16-April-2010 Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics, Geneva, Switzerland, April Eurostat report on the implementation of Article 3 of Regulation 862/2007 on statistics on international migration, usually resident population and acquisition of citizenship Katya Vasileva European Commission, DG Eurostat
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Increasing need for high quality migration statistics at European level Demand for internationally comparable migration data for policy-making and research Malta Declaration (October 2009)
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Regulation (EC) 862/2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection Commission legislative proposal based on consultations with data users and suppliers Council of the EU and the European Parliament reviewed, amended and adopted Reg. 862/2007 under the 'co-decision‘ procedure Migration data disaggregated by groups of countries and citizenships
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Regulation (EC) 862/2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection Commission Implementing Regulation defining the groups of: –citizenship, –country of birth, –country of previous usual residence, –country of next usual residence. European Statistical System Committee approval (November 2009)
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Groups for data on immigration and usually resident population (citizenship / country of birth / country of previous usual residence) Reporting country; EU Member States; Non-EU countries, of which: –EFTA, –Candidate countries, –Other non-EU countries, of which: Highly developed countries, Medium developed countries, Less developed countries; Unknown.
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Groups for data on emigration (citizenship / country of next usual residence) Reporting country; EU Member States; Non-EU countries; Unknown.
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Annual Migration Data Collection: Data under Regulation 862/2007 Detailed data (voluntary)
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ Challenges: Measuring emigration Stock / Flow consistency Validity of residence permit vs. intended duration of stay Unknown country of next/previous residence
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ After the first round of the new data collection under Reg. 862/2007 What are the main difficulties? What can be improved? Recommendations? (exchange of best practices)
16-April-2010Implementation of Art. 3 of Regulation 862/ The process of transition towards reliable and comparable European migration data has already started will take time requires compromise and co-operation requires high level political commitment Thank you to all national data suppliers for their work and cooperation