1 Ethics in workplace
Work ethics is an invisible employee behavior, noticeable by its absence. 2
“What to do. My producer is a bully and hiring like-minded people “What to do? My producer is a bully and hiring like-minded people. Ethics is becoming a question in my organization.” Mike, Graphic Designer 3
“I find few employees of my organization, disclosing confidential client data to our competitors.” Stella, HR, Executive 4
“Should the performance feedback session follow a corrective or punitive approach?” Stephany, HR, Executive 5
All these are issues addressing common workplace ethics All these are issues addressing common workplace ethics. Ethical Problems are inevitable in all levels of business. 7
Ethics is something you either have or you don’t have. 8
Ethics is something that is learned and chosen throughout one's life. 9
In the work place the senior management have a responsibility to set an example that reflect the company expectations. 10
Ethics is two- way! 11
Employees, having strong ethics in personal and professional life, need no explanation, unlike those employees for whom work ethics is a growing problem. 12
By the time employees hit the workforce, can they be taught things like ethics - or is it too late? 13
Training on workplace ethics is imperative. 14
Ethics help a lot in effective productivity as well as a great balance of responsibilities in your life on personal & professional front. 15
Common Workplace Ethics 16
Responsibility Punctuality 17
Integrity & Loyalty 18
Teamwork 19
Professionalism 21
How do you train your employees to be ethical to one and all, whether in the professional realm or personal? A written code of conduct Define ethics to be maintained in an organization. Each employee should have one, including new hires. 22
Training programs Organizations should focus on training in ethics at the workplace. A few members from the top level management can lead the ethics training programs. www.commlabindia.com 23
Performance feedback sessions should be corrective in nature. 24
Good Behavior should be acknowledged. 25
Role model Seniors behaving in a morally upright manner will set an example for employees to follow. 26
Here are a few thoughts to get the ball rolling. www.commlabindia.com 27
Model these behaviors as a leader Clearly, consistently, and frequently communicate the desired behaviors and why they are important to the organization. Model these behaviors as a leader 28
Hold people accountable for demonstrating these behaviors on an escalating path 29
Ethics depends on situation. In spite of training sessions on ethics, enforcement is ultimately left to the individual. 30
And finally, it is essential to communicate ethical values to employees as you are giving them the authority to take appropriate ethical decision in any given situations. www.commlabindia.com 31