Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Heat and Hot Water Supply Presenter: Bayramgul Garabaeva, Programme Officer Decentralization and Community Development UNDP Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
Description of the Problem Poor condition and inefficient operation of the existing heat and hot water supply system in Turkmenistan Limited institutional capacity Gaps in policies and legislation Very limited experience with application of market mechanisms Lack of financial resources and information
Objectives of the Good Practice To enhance capacity of and support local municipalities in analyzing (monitoring) the district heating sector and developing master plans and feasibility studies in 9 towns. To increase awareness of local decision-makers of the technical options and measures available to improve the energy efficiency of the heat and hot water supply systems. To assist the Government in the establishment of a supportive institutional and financial framework for energy efficiency investments.
Strategy of the Good Practice National Execution modality Pilot projects Exchange of experiences and expansion of networking Information dissemination Introducing new and alternate methods of managing the district heating system
Innovative Aspects Issues of energy efficiency: Local approach Introduction of market mechanisms Institutional capacity and expertise: Development and monitoring of the district heating system Access to modern technologies and international expertise Combination of academic and empirical evidence
Innovative Aspects (cont.) Policy issues: Development of the National Strategy on the district heating system based on the sustainable development principles Participatory approach: Development of master plans based on a particular locality and involvement of local stakeholders Contribution of local municipalities to the National Strategy on the heating system
Activities of the Good Practice Trainings, Seminars, Workshops Analysis of training needs and developing a training program for the key project personnel Training on initiating and implementing the project activities Study tours in Germany and Denmark
Activities of the Good Practice Trainings, Seminars, Workshops Presentation and discussion of the results of the work to adopt the master plan Presentation, evaluation and discussion of the results of the project
Activities of the Good Practice Surveys, studies, analyses Monitoring system for and performing an energy and environmental audit of the existing heat and hot water supply system Social survey to determine the current heat and hot water consumption patterns of the population
Activities of the Good Practice Surveys, studies, analyses Pre-feasibility/least cost analysis within all the participating municipalities Master plan for organising and improving the energy efficiency of the heat and hot water supply within each participating municipality Draft concept of a National Strategy for developing the heat and hot water supply services based on the sustainable development principles
Activities of the Good Practice Public awareness raising activities Public awareness raising activities and consultations with the key stakeholders to facilitate the process of adopting the heat strategy by the Government
Results of the Good Practice Local municipalities have been introduced to new modern technologies Local municipalities are capable to undertake monitoring and analysis of the district heating system as well as managing the system
Results of the Good Practice Individual master plans were developed and approved for each municipality A draft of the National Strategy on the district heating system has been developed and submitted to the Government of Turkmenistan for consideration
Problems encountered Identifying a national counterpart at the central level The change of NPC and governmental implementing agency Delays in supply of equipment
Sustainability Government’s commitment is ensured Capacities of local municipalities is strengthened
Sustainability Good practices will be utilized in further elaboration of climate change and energy efficiency related ideas, follow- ups and projects A detailed assessment of both project outcomes and concerns is expected
Replicability in other countries Implementation issues – Possible to replicate: Partnership with central and local governments Addressing the real development needs Bringing in international and local expertise Networking within the local counterparts
Replicability in other countries Context issues - Not possible? Heating system is state owned and subsidized in Turkmenistan TURKMENISTAN