BETA Meeting Wednesday January 21 st, 2015 All information is available on the BETA club website!
Fall Points and Service Projects Sorry for the delay on displaying points – we are going to make it a goal this semester to keep up to date with points and post on website. All points accumulated from the Fall will be posted by the end of the week. Any student that did not meet their points and projects will not be allowed to participate in the club this semester.
Seniors If you are a senior you have until March 13, 2015 to pay for your stole that you will wear at graduation – the fee is $15.00 (only seniors that have participated in BETA for 5 consecutive semesters qualify.) Please give your names to Ms. Stone before you leave the meeting today so she can expect to order a stole for you.
February Service Projects Valentines Day Theme
Valentine’s Day Cards and Party When: Tuesday, Feb. 10 th Where: Room 408 right after school What: Making around 105 cards for residents at the nursing home Get a service project and hours to help make cards for the nursing home. BETA Club will be providing: Construction paper (red and pink), Markers, glue, glitter, valentines day stickers, ribbon. Any extra materials you may want to donate are welcomed. Bring food and beverages for extra points (1 point per food dish/item, soda) Please sign up with Ms. Stone by Feb. 6 th for which items you will be bringing.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fundraiser Our Annual Cystic Fibrosis drive is here! We will start selling hearts as soon as possible and continue to sell them through Feb. 11 th ! The BETA Club member that sells the most hearts receives a $50.00 Wal-Mart gift card. Each heart is worth $1.00 – please turn in any hearts that you do not use. Selling 10 Hearts is ONE service project (+ 2 hours) If you run out of hearts you can come pick some up. You can sell hearts and collect names and put the names on hearts after you pick them up. We will be posting the hearts in the gym lobby – if you would like to post up hearts for some hours please see Ms. Stone at the end of the meeting ( we only need 2 people for this ).
Sign in to Meeting: This link will be open for two hours: