You own a sporting good store. Your store is divided into departments based on individual sports. You know how much your total income is for the entire store, but you want to find out which department is selling the most. Use Excel’s Subtotal feature to find out!
Your basic sales data for one day’s sales
1. Click on the Data tab. 2. Select the data, including the column headings (cells A1:D26). 3. In the Outline group, click on the Subtotal button.
4.The Subtotal dialog box appears.
5. Determine where the subtotal should appear. In the At each change in field: Since you want to know about sales per department, choose Department from the drop-down list 6. In the Use function field: You want subtotals, so choose Sum (this is the default choice). 7. From the Add subtotals to field: The default setting will place the subtotals in a new row just below each of your departments. 8. Click OK.
Notice that Excel has created groups for each of your departments. All the groups are inside the larger group, making this an outline. Each department has its own subtotal and a Grand Total has been provided at the end.
Each group (department) can be collapsed so only the subtotals are seen. The data is still there, but several rows have been hidden.
All the groups can be collapsed so only the Grand Total is seen.