A pictorial walkthrough
After installing the Child Care National Quality Standard (CCNQS) SmartGuide you will see the desktop icon for the program. Double clicking the icon opens the CCNQS SmartGuide Main Menu screen.
This is the Main Menu screen for the Child Care National Quality Standard SmartGuide. Lets look at the options at the bottom right.
Clicking LOGO brings up this logo box. Here you load your organisations logo and name into the program. This will appear on the front page when printing. The logo can be no larger than 100 x 100 pixels in size. By default WorkSmart Systems name and logo are loaded into the program.
Opens a Word Help file detailing how the program works. If you need any other Help then us at to receive further Closes the program down, make sure your work is saved first!
Now we will select the Quality Areas button to take us to that Menu.
This takes us to the Quality Areas menu screen. This shows the seven Quality Areas, each can be clicked to go directly to that Quality Area. We will click Quality Area 2.
This is the standard work screen for each element in each Standard for each Quality Area. All text in the white boxes is editable. All content has been designed to address each element requirement point within each Standard in all Quality Areas. We will look at each area of the work screen in detail.
Use this control to navigate easily between each Quality Area (no need to return to the menu screen). Shows the Quality Area and its title, fully editable if there are changes in the future.
Clicking File gives you the option to manually save the file or exit back to the Quality Areas menu screen. If you forget to save the program will prompt you to Save your work when you exit the program. Clicking Help will open the Help file in Word, we recommend that you read this document first for extra Help to get started.
Use the Navigator to move easily between each element within each Standard. Each element is a separate screen in the program and contains text addressing the requirements.
These boxes contain the Standard text and the Element requirement text. The text in these boxes is again fully editable if there are changes in the future.
These boxes contain the How text and the Who text. The How text details how each elements’ requirements are going to be met. The Who text details the people responsible for this occurring (does not have to be the staff actually doing the ‘How’). Again all text is editable, do something different then change the content to suit your organisation.
The Records table contains linked forms that are to be kept to demonstrate that you are doing what you say in the How box. Double click a blue forms name to open the example forms provided (over 30 included) many with examples on how to complete. Clicking the Link button allows you to browse your files, then select and link your own forms to the program. You can add as many forms or documents as you want to section, there is always a blank row at the bottom.
Clicking the Print button takes you to a Print Preview window. Clicking the Close button takes you back to the Quality Areas menu screen.
The organisation name and logo you saved into the program at the Main Menu will show here when you print. By default it will show WorkSmart Systems name and logo until you replace them.
You also have many print or export options available to use, set your print preferences here. Click the green disk icon to export your work in any of the stated formats, handy if you want to re-size or re-format to fit letterhead paper.
This concludes a quick pictorial guide to the Child Care National Quality Standard SmartGuide. If you have any queries or wish to talk to someone about the NVR Stand Child Care National Quality Standard SmartGuide call: Steve on Or visit our website at