Group Mentoring Program Mentor & Mentee Preparation for Mentoring Helping People Succeed
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Agenda Agenda 1.Introductions 2.Program Overview Program goals Review of resources 3.Meeting Structure Building trust relationships in a mentored group – roles/responsibilities Facilitating group process 4.Organizing 5 Meetings
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Introductions Name + Occupation Motivation to be involved with the program As a young person or at a point in your career, what was one of the most significant obstacles you had to overcome? In overcoming the obstacle, who did you call upon to help you through it?
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Mentoring Objectives Through group mentoring, mentees can: Learn about Canadian workplace culture and industry trends Identify educational and technical skills required to meet market demands Receive guidance through the licensing and accreditation process Acquire support through the job search process Establish professional networks Improve professional terminology Build confidence in a new culture
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Expected Outcomes 1.Internationally trained professionals (ITPs) will be better informed and equipped to obtain suitable employment 2.ITPs will gain the necessary, sector specific information and knowledge that will assist them in establishing their careers in Canada 3.Through utilization of the mentors’ personal and professional experiences, ITPs will gain extra information on how to pursue their goal of being employed in an appropriate field 4.Participants will gain confidence and the motivation necessary to actively pursue their employment goals
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Tools and Resources Group Mentoring Mentor Resource Kit Group Mentoring Mentee Resource Kit Program Overview Mentoring Tips and Techniques Meeting Agendas Appendix of Job Search Tips
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Orientation Meeting 1: Establish the Mentoring Group Meeting 2: Job Search Tools Meeting 3: Interviewing Networking & Job Search Strategies Meeting 4: Issues Exploration & Workplace Culture Meeting 5: Integrating into the New Job Building Mentoring Relationship
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Setting Meeting Agendas Meeting 1. Establishing the Mentoring Group Meeting 2. Job Search Tools Meeting 3. Interviewing, Networking & Job Search Strategies Meeting 4. Issues Exploration and Workplace Culture Meeting 5. Integrating into the New Job
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Guidelines 1.Professional norms for group mentoring: Setting the Stage for Being an Effective Member of a Mentoring Group 2.Confidentiality and Accountability Agreement 3.CanadaInfoNet
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Mentoring Relationship Cycle Pre-relationship determining: "am I ready to learn from and contribute in a mentoring relationship?" Beginning the relationship: getting to know each other as the foundation for trust Building the social relationship, clarifying goals and technical learning ("how to..") Deeper exploration of experiences and strategic goal setting; feedback is sought Ending and re-defining the relationship with new goals
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed In small groups, have each individual present their background using the following questions as a guide (page 23): What are some of the highlights of my personal life that would be useful to share, as it is part of who I am? What are some of the highlights from my work and education history that would be useful to share? What are some of the highlights of my experiences of the Canadian work place, that would be useful in preparing mentees? How have mentors made a difference in my own career? Getting to Know Each Other
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Building Relationships with the Group How Mentors Make a Difference Tips for Facilitating Groups Cross-Cultural Awareness Tips for Listening so that People Feel Listened to Feedback Technique and What to do with Feedback Coaching Technique for Managing Conflict Beginning and Ending Meetings Technique: Check-in and Check-out Check List for Preparing for the First Meeting Review Mentoring Tips
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Commitment for the Program 1.Attend all scheduled meetings 2.Assist mentee in his/her job search process. This includes referrals to resources, sector-specific labour market information, exposure to employer expectations and increased networking opportunities 1.Support and encourage mentee in his/her efforts to find suitable employment
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Commitment for the Program 4.Participate in the evaluation of the program at the end of the mentoring relationship 5.Educate newcomers about training, employment and settlement 6.The Mentor’s homework 1.Preparing for each meeting 2.Reviewing resumes between sessions 3.Gathering resources
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Working in Canada Assignment
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Working with a Mentor Step 1: Tell them you would like to have a quick mentoring talk Step 2: State the goal Step 3: Identify the issue and the help needed Step 4: Explore and get ideas Step 5: Share the ideas on what to do next Step 6: Summarize what you have learned Step 7: Agree on next steps
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Worksheet: Mentee Career Highlights & Job Targets is: The focus for setting the learning goals and instilling accountability for maintaining the relationship A focus for the relationship An effective goal setting tool for mentors to help their mentees A means by which peers in the group can help each other The means to determine if the mentoring program is successful
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Coaching for Managing Conflict Step 1: Assess the emotions of the situation Step 2: Think about the circumstances Step 3: Invite the other person to discuss and develop a resolution Step 4: Explore the problem or issue Practice: what, where, who, when Step 5: Take time to find what you learned from the conversation; explore options and identify an mutually agreeable solution
JVS Toronto ~ Helping People Succeed Support/Questions? Support/Questions? Contact : (insert information for designated contact)