2 adea.com.au
ADEA M ENTORING P ROGRAM 6 month mentoring partnership compulsory for members seeking to become Credentialled. Completion date of partnership to be within 12 months of initial credentialling application Mentoring is important for all health professionals 3 adea.com.au
W HY THE C HANGES ARE OCCURRING Lack of direction for both Mentee and Mentor Breakdown of some Mentoring Partnerships Incomplete partnership registration and / evaluation Improved assurance of quality of CDE program Move to Online platform 4 adea.com.au
S TEPS IN THE M ENTORING P ROGRAM Mentor Registration - Compulsory Mentor placed on Mentor Register optional Mentee searches for Mentor Mentor Partnership Agreement Online Mentoring Modules Compulsory for initial credentialling Mentees Mentor Partnership Contact Log Completion of Mentoring Partnership Evaluation Forms 5 adea.com.au
M ENTOR R EGISTRATION Compulsory Credentialling Officer will check currency of CDE status and of at least 12 months standing May be able to flag any potential issues of a Mentoring partnership Optional Mentor Register listing 6 adea.com.au
M ENTEES SEARCH FOR A M ENTOR Mentee finds Mentor that they already know or seek out Mentee uses the Mentor Register on the ADEA website. 7 adea.com.au
M ENTOR P ARTNERSHIP A GREEMENT Complete and submit to ADEA within 2 weeks of the commencement of the Mentoring Partnership Online in adea.com.au
O NLINE M ENTORING M ODULES Australian Mentor Centre Mentoring Modules 9 adea.com.au
O NLINE M ENTORING C ONTACT L OG Online template for recording contact between Mentee and Mentor Assist Mentoring Partnership planning and progress Useful Audit and Evaluation tool 10 adea.com.au
C OMPLETION AND E VALUATION Compulsory Completion of Mentoring Partnership Evaluation – Mentee and Mentor Online in adea.com.au
E VALUATION AND R EVIEW ADEA will continue to evaluate and review the mentoring program. New Mentoring Modules Partnership Contact Log Revised Evaluation Questionnaires Outcomes of successful Mentoring Partnerships 12 adea.com.au
T HANKYOU AND Q UESTIONS Contact: Rachel McKeown Professional Services Manager Kerry Oddy Credentialling / Education Officer 13 adea.com.au