The Olympiad is a symbol of peoples’ unification from ancient times to nowadays The presentation was made by: Evgeniya Sapozhnikova Karina Galimardanova.


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Presentation transcript:

The Olympiad is a symbol of peoples’ unification from ancient times to nowadays The presentation was made by: Evgeniya Sapozhnikova Karina Galimardanova The tutor: Elena Ushakova

What are the Olympic Games? The Olympic Games — the largest international complex of sport competitions which are held every four years.

Historical Reference Аccording to Greek legend, the O.G were started by Hercules, son of Zeus in honor of his father. The first Games about which we have been informed were held in 776 BC on the plain of Olympia. Games had taken place before this date, but had consisted mainly of chariot races. The ancient Greeks thought the games were so important that they measured time by the interval between them. А period of four years referred to as an Olympiad.

The Games represented the Greek Ideal of Physical fitness and beauty, which they considered as important as the development of the mind. Noting, even war was allowed to interfere with the games. They were held every four years for more then 1000 years until their abolishment in AD 394. Olympic Games were banned.

The modern Olympic Games Baron Pierre de Coubertin The first modern Olympic Games were organized in Athens, in Greece in April sportsmen from 13 countries took part in them.

The modern Olympic Games are the leading international sporting event featuring summer and winter sports competitions wherein thousands of athletes variously compete. The Olympic Games are considered the world's foremost sports competition with more than 200 nations participating. The Olympic Games are held every four years, with the Summer and Winter Games alternating by occurring every four years but two years apart.

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The Olympic motto - “Citius, Altius, Fortius”. A Latin expression meaning "Faster, Higher, Stronger" was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1894 and has been official since The motto was coined by Coubertin's friend the Dominican priest Henri Didon OP, for a Paris youth gathering of 1891.

Olympic flag and symbol The Olympic symbol, better known as the Olympic rings, consists of five intertwined rings and represents the unity of the five inhabited continents (Africa, America, Asia, Oceania, Europe). The colored version of the rings—blue, yellow, black, green, and red—over a white field forms the Olympic flag. These colors were chosen because every nation had at least one of them on its national flag.

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Only the Sun, only the blue sky, only peace, only friendship and sport competitions! No war in the World!

Thank you for your attention!
