Traditional Christmas in Latvia Merry Christmas!
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus or Merry Christmas! In Latvia, Christmas begins with the Advent season. Advent wreaths can be seen everywhere as Latvians busily shop for Christmas presents for family and friends
Merry Christmas! Christmas is celebrated all Latvia. Most Latvians go to churchs on Christmas Eve rather than on Christmas Day
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! Families also come together for most important Christmas meal on Christmas Eve The special meal is cook brown beans with bacon sauce, small pies, cabbage and sausage
Merry Christmas! Gingerbread is baked at almost every home
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! Families give each other presents after the meal In order to get a present, you have to say short poem standing beside the Christmas tree
Merry Christmas! Santa Claus /Ziemassvētku Vecītis in Latvian – Father Christmas/ comes to the children on Christmas Eve
Earlier was so In Latvia the Christmas celebration is know as Ziemassvētki or winter festival. The festival is a direct descendent of ancient winter solstice celebrations. Central element to Ziemassvetki is the log burning which involves groups of people dragging a log around the house during the day, burning the log all night singing ritual songs and drinking beer
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! The earliest mention of a decorated Christmas tree in Latvia is found is found in legal documents from the city of Riga. In 1510 it is stated that members of the local merchant guild carried a Firtree decorated with artificial roses to the marketplace. They danced around it and then set it on fire. The reasoning behind this has been lost to history, though it may have been associated with the ancient tradition of the Yule Log
Merry Christmas! On Christmas Eve the family gathers around the tree and sings traditional Christmas carols. Traditional foods served during this time include pork, pig's snout, pig's feet, beans, whole grains, peas and a variety of breads and rolls. Each food has a meaning: e.g. eat a pea you'll cry one day less; eat a bean one day you will mature; eat a pig's snout you will write a great deal; eat a dumpling there will be many sunny days. Later, Father Christmas may visit. He is a stern looking man dressed in gray and has a long white beard. He brings gifts for the good children and for the bad ones he gives them stick-switches
Decorations The straw ornaments are made out of material found in the fields. There are also several cross shapes made from the tops of wheat. The straw ornaments are made into geometric shapes from simple to more complex designs The garlands are made from cranberry, apples and pinecones The tree was originally decorated with lit candles though today electrified candles are used
Traditional decorations photo gallery
Merry Christmas!