RPI Master’s Project Proposal Stephen Ganz – 5/15/2012 Structural Analysis of Bridge Gusset Plates: Steel vs. Composite
Gusset Plate Applications Gusset plates are used to join structural members such as beams and are typically made from steel. Specific Applications: –Bridges –Building Frames –Roofing –Cranes
Problem Description The objective of this project is to compare the performance differences in metallic and composite plates by performing structural analyses on a Warren truss bridge. Performance will be evaluated based on stress and deflections. –Loading will be based on Department of Transportation and CT Bridge design manuals. Warren Truss Bridge
Methodology/Approach On paper, construct a bridge that reflects actual dimensions and loading. In finite element analysis software, create a 2-D model representative of the bridge constructed of gusset plates, loads and constraints. Run analyses using steel and composite material properties. Compare results. Optimize composite structure.
Expected Outcomes Composite gusset plates may offer possible strength advantages over steel. Resources Required Microsoft Office Abaqus/CAE (Finite Element Analysis Software) Mathcad
Milestones 5/21Submit proposal draft 5/26Complete Research and Develop Loads 6/4Create 2-D model and complete mesh study 6/11Submit First Progress Report 6/19Create composite model and compare to metals 7/2Submit Second Progress Report 7/9Tabulate Results 7/16Submit Final Draft 7/30Preliminary Final Report 8/6Submit Final Report