GCSE HOME ECONOMICS Child Development GCSE Subject Information This course is a must for anyone who knows they would like to work with children or for those who simply want to learn about families, pregnancy and how a child develops –physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually up to the age of 5 years old. There are 6 main areas of study: Section 1 – Family and child Section 2 – Food and Health Section 3 – Pregnancy Section 4 – Physical Development Section 5 – Intellectual Development Section 6 – Social and Emotional Development Contact with young children is essential
SUMARY OF ASSESSMENT Child Development GCSE Subject Information Unit 1: Principles of Child Development (40%) Written Paper: 1 ½ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked, targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from all areas of the specification and will assess the quality of written communication Unit 2: Child Study (30%) Controlled Assessment 60 marks (60 UMS) One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC, to include investigation and production focussing on a child's development Duration: 15 hours to commence in the first half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Unit 3: Child focused Task (30%) Controlled Assessment 60 marks (60 UMS) One task to be selected from a bank of two tasks set by WJEC, to include researching, planning, making and evaluating. Duration: 15 hours to commence in the second half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated.
The required knowledge may be gained via the completion of work booklets, Role-play activities e.g. discuss with a friend the dangers of smoking during pregnancy; Games e.g. bingo, dominos, true or false statements; Watching videos e.g. Teenage Mums and Practical Work e.g. Prepare meals suitable for a pregnant woman. Outside speakers may also be used to deliver sensitive issues such as Morality, Family Planning and Abortion. SUGGESTED PATHWAY TRHOUGH SPECIFICATION YEAR 10 – Term 1 (approximately 30/35 lessons) In the main it is suggested that work is taken from core areas of study 3 and 4. At the end of term a basic introduction to the PIES, i.e.. Core areas 4, 5 and 6. This is in preparation for the start of Unit 2, controlled assessment in the January. Year 10 – Term 2 (approximately 30 lessons) Work this term should be taken form areas of study 4, 5 and 6 as these will support Unit 2, controlled task. Teaching will need to be interwoven with some of the 15 controlled hours that have to be spent on Unit 2 controlled task. Candidates will require time between the supervised sessions so that they can collect information and complete observations of their study. Child Development GCSE Subject Information
Year 10 – Term 3 (approximately 28 lessons) Work this term will focus on area of study 2 – Food and Health with the remaining Unit 2 controlled task hours. Year 11 – Term 1 (approximately 30/35 lessons) Work this term will focus on the first area of study – Family and Child. Unit 3 will need to be introduced and candidates should be given guidance as to method of completion in January. Year 11 – Term 2 (approximately 30 lessons) Work this term will complete topics from study area 1 and the candidates will complete Unit 3 controlled assessment, 15 hours. Remainder of lessons this term to complete topics, carry out revision and complete specimen examination papers. Progression routes to Further Study: As/A2 Health and Social Care A/As Psychology / Sociology Btec Caring courses Progression routes to Careers and Employment: Nursery Nurse, Playgroup Leader, Nanny, Teacher, Learning Support Assistant Paediatric Nurse Subject Combinations: Science – biological element, IT for producing coursework, Technology (textiles or resistant materials), Hospitality and Catering – for practical skills, controlled assessment and Nutrition. Child Development GCSE Subject Information