Green Engineering PC Education Subcommittee February 2014 Essam Khalil Education Subcommittee Chair
GEPC Education Subcommittee Members (Essam Khalil, George Miley, Michael Houts, Franz-Josef Kahlen, Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, Keith Blodgett, Sivaram Gogineni) Responsibilities Short courses, webinars, outreach, design competitions Activities SUGAR Webinar (Marty Bradley) AIAA and FAA Design Competitions (Hybrid Electric Aircraft) (Marty Bradley et al.) 2014Plans Organize Nuclear short course (George Miley, Michael Houts) GTE TC (Gas Turbine Engine) interested in a jointly sponsored Hybrid Electric Engine Design Competition (Ian Halliwell & Ruben Del Rosario) Talk to Pressure Gain Combustion WG/PC – Joint Workshop? Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop – Can we add our sponsorship to future workshops? 2 Essam Khalil
33 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions Education – Essam Khalil Short Course – George Miley, Michael Houts (Nuclear), Webinar - Marty Bradley (SUGAR) Outreach (college, high school) – Marty Bradley, Rich Wahls AIAA Design Competition – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban ABP Design Competition – Ian Halliwell, Ruben Del Rosario Franz-Josef Kahlen, Keith Blodgett, Kuni Kitagawa
TC/PC Sponsored Workshops Workshop request forms should be submitted at least 12 months prior to the activity. Requests submitted within 6 months of the proposed date will not be considered. Activities must be open forum, non-ITAR restricted events. Workshop registrations fees will be: $260 early/$360 standard/$460 onsite. Workshop registration will be included as part of the overall event registration process $10 from each paid registration will be transferred to the technical committee organizing the workshop. Any questions about workshops, contact Chris Brown or