Value: The relative quality of lightness or darkness in a color. The only structural aspect of color visible in black and white photography. Colors get lighter in value toward the center.
Value: Why is this progression imperfect?
Achromatic Grays Grays that are created by mixing Black and White. Achromatic grays have no evident coloration when seen against a white background.
High Key What an image is said to be when the colors in it are predominantly light in value.
Low Key: What an image is said to be when the colors in it are predominantly dark in value
Anomaly: An irregularity; a deviation from an established norm. An anomalous element is one that breaks sharply with the dominant tonal quality established by a group of colors. This is an anomaly of both value and hue.
Monochromatic A color scheme based on one hue. Monochromatic schemes can include a range of values and saturation levels and may also stretch the definition of one hue to include several different versions of it. A monochromatic scheme based on blue might include both Prussian and ultramarine blues.
Broad Range in Value: A composition with a Broad Range in Value has many different values, from the very lightest to the very darkest.
Compressed Value Range: A composition with a compressed value range uses elements that are near one another in value. Elements do not vary greatly in value.
What is the Value Range in this Painting?
Compressed: High Key
What is the Value Range in this composition?
Compressed: Low Key
What is the value range in this painting?
Broad Range in Value
Describe this composition using the terminology you’ve just learned…
Proportional analysis of Value
Abstract composition with similar proportions
Proportional analysis of Value
Abstract composition with similar proportions