By the awesomely epic Lauren Smith
The Past! Page 1 Small Facts huge! These cellphones from the past, were huge! Only rich people owned these. If you had one and you were in a meeting and it rang, no one would know what it was! It was worth $3,995, and was 2 pounds! The nickname for it is “The Brick.” The thought of carrying a small, portable phone was thought as a part of a science-fiction realm. They were (based on today’s outlook on cellphones.) totally wrong. Keep watching the Power Point to learn more!
The Past! Page 2 The Man Who Started It All The first cell phone call was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper. He is actually still alive, and he is either 82 or older this very moment. He is very rich, having over 4000 in his bank account. Some people don’t even know about Martin Cooper, but they should know who started our texting entertainment.
The Present! Page 1 Today’s Phones My sister and I own the Alcatel One Touch. ;P Some of todays cellphones include the Samsung, Alcatel One Touch, Android, Samsung Gem Android Smartphone, LG Xenon GR 5oo, Blackberry, Pantech Matrix C740, and HTC Wildfire S Android Phone. Some of these phones are very advanced, like the Smartphone. Most of them have a touch screen or QWERTY keyboard. The Alcatel One Touch has touch screen and QWERTY keyboard.
The Present! Page 2 More About Today’s Phones The HTC Wildfire S Android Phone includes 4 buttons and a touch screen, no QWERTY keyboard. The Samsung Gem Android Smartphone is one of they very advanced ones, it will answer your questions and search things for you. All of the phones on the previous page can do the same thing the first phone can, make calls. But today’s phones are able to send texts, unlike the first phone.
The Future! Page 1 Futuristic Phones The phones in the future will be extremely advanced. Notice how advanced this phone is! The phones could call someone just by a command. They could also be transparent, or possibly floating in the air following you. The possibilities are endless!
The Future! Page 2 The Possibilities that I Can Name. These “Future Phones” could also change the way we learn and teach. They could help in business & social interactions, which would be useful in many ways. They could be just a pair of glasses that you could make a call with, possibly play Angry Birds, display a digital overlay on top of our surroundings, and makes you able to have a face-to-face chat as if you are right there or using Skype. There is also this hand-spider-like phone. Looks awesome.
Old Phone Pictures! Totally Awesome
Phones Of The Present! Totally Funny
Future Phone Pictures! You might never see these work
My Outlook On This My opinion Rocks I thought this was a good project and I hope you think the same. I did this project because I wanted to know more about cellphones and I wanted to inform all of you!
Sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p:// ch&sourceid=ie7& SearchBox&ie=&oe=#q=US+cellular+phones&hl =en&tbo=u& SearchBox&source=univ&tbm=shop&sa=X&ei=z ZnQUMffDoeWqQHvzIGgDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CO ABELMY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.aWM&fp=c98b1c09fe36bf20&bpcl = &biw=1366&bih=595bet/a/martin_co oper.htm p:// ch&sourceid=ie7& SearchBox&ie=&oe=#q=US+cellular+phones&hl =en&tbo=u& SearchBox&source=univ&tbm=shop&sa=X&ei=z ZnQUMffDoeWqQHvzIGgDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CO ABELMY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.aWM&fp=c98b1c09fe36bf20&bpcl = &biw=1366&bih=595bet/a/martin_co oper.htm
Sources!!!!!!!!!! Continued us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=#q=US+cellular+phones&hl=en&tbo=u& SearchBox&source=univ&tbm=shop&sa=X&ei=rd_RUJahII7bqQGzg4DICg&ved=0CNcBELMY&ba v=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.aWM&fp=f28c1cbe9ac85e3c&bpcl= & biw=1366&bih=595 this link is not working!!!!! What you can do to get to that link is a simple 4 step process! 1. Open an internet page. 2. search on Google : US cellular phones 3. Click on the link on the right of the page that says: : Shop for US cellular phones on Google. 4. Ta-Da! You are there!
Sources!!!!!! Continued again