Math and Test Anxiety Taryn Horn
Definition Math anxiety is an extreme emotional and/or physical reaction to a very negative attitude toward math. Math anxiety is a feeling of tension and anxiety that interferes with the manipulation of numbers and solving math problems. It is a state of panic, helplessness, paralysis and mental disorganization that occurs in students when they are required to solve math problems.
Types of Math Anxiety Math Test Anxiety –Involves anticipation, completion and feedback of math tests. Numerical Anxiety –Everyday situations requiring working with numbers and performing arithmetic calculations. Abstraction Anxiety –Deals with working with variables and mathematical concepts used to solve equations.
Causes of Math Anxiety MATH ANXIETY IS A LEARNED BEHAVIOR. Bad experiences in elementary school are one of the most common causes. Teacher and peer embarrassment and humiliation become the conditioning experience that cause some students’ math anxiety. Being embarrassed by family members while receiving help with math at home can also cause math anxiety.
Math Anxiety Affects Learning It can affect how you do your homework and your participation in the classroom and study groups. Total avoidance of homework or procrastination. It can also affect classroom participation and leaning because students are afraid to speak out or ask questions in class.
Test Anxiety A conditioned emotional habit to either a single terrifying experience, a reoccurring experience of high anxiety, or a continuous condition of anxiety. The educational system develops evaluations, which measure one’s mental performance, which creates test anxiety.
Causes of Test Anxiety TEST ANXIETY IS A LEARNED CONDITION. It can occur in grade school, but it usually starts in college. In college tests are usually the only way to pass the course, which builds more test anxiety. Additional pressure occurs when not passing a class because of a test since it means you won’t graduate and you might not get the job you want.
Types of Test Anxiety Emotional –Signs might be and upset stomach, nausea, sweaty palms, pain in the neck, stiff shoulders, high blood pressure, shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat and other general feelings of nervousness. Worry –Negative thoughts that cause students to focus on their anxiety instead of recalling math concepts by telling themselves they will fail the test.
How to Reduce Math and Test Anxiety A relaxation response is any technique that helps to relax and take the place of any anxiety response. Tensing and relaxing muscles helps to ease anxiety. Think of some real or imaginary relaxing scene several days before the test. Preventing the use of negative talk. Cue-controlled relaxation, meaning you can induce your own relaxation by repeating certain cue words to yourself.
Sources Winning at Math, Fourth Edition, Paul Nolting, Ph.D.