India’s Festivals
Diwali Most well known Festival of lights Lamps are lit for hope, a new beginning and being the best you can be Celebrated for five days in October and November
Makar Sankranti (Kite Festival) Winter festival Celebrates New Year Festival is celebrated by swimming in the Ganges river Celebrated for 3 days
Holi Celebrated in March Spring festival Also called the “Festival of Colors” Day one = a huge fire is lit at night Day two = people go around and throw colored powder and water at each other Ends with a party at a friends house in the evening
Ganesha Annual festival in honor of Ganesh –Elephant headed deity –Remover of obstacles celebrated for ten days Day 1 = idol placed on platform and decorated For ten days people pray to Ganesh Ends when the idol of Ganesh is put into the water
Navratri Nine days of dance 10 days during September-October Honors mother goddess called Durga –Symbolizes good over bad Celebrated throughout India Usually with song, dance and having fun
Pots which will contain a lamp for the festival in Western India Colorful dancing