Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge Lifelong Learning on Road Issues Eddy Klynen September 2012
Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (FFT-VSV) Public organisation Founded by Flemish parliament, Belgium (1990) Umbrella / network structure
Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (FFT-VSV) Mission: knowledge transfer on road safety and sustainable mobility –Education and training: publications, consultancy, courses, … professionals & non-professionals “lifelong learning” principle –Stimulate research –Advice to Flemish government and parliament
Situating Belgium and Flanders
National symbols
Lifelong learning: for everybody! Decision makers Children Teenagers Novice drivers Senior drivers Local administrations Local & regional organisations Police officers School teachers Company leaders Parents Professional organisations Motorcyclists Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning: vertical learning line” –How to behave in traffic “from age 0 till 100” –Different projects for different age groups Nursery school children Primary school children Secondary school pupils 18+ Senior drivers –All pieces fit together > permanent education Lifelong learning
jaar Lifelong learning Nursery and primary school Secondary school 18+ Senior drivers
Nursery school –Hear, listen and drive! basic sensory and motor skill training to participate in traffic Lifelong learning
Primary school –Traffic parents: training for parents who back up traffic education projects in their own school/community –The Big Traffic Test: educational quiz for school children –The Big Cycling Exam: practical cycling exam for 6th grade pupils Lifelong learning
Secondary school –Mobibus: travelling exhibition on sustainable mobility and road safety –Smart Mobile Schools: all-in package –Driving Licence at School
Partners –FFT, driving instructors, examination centers, secondary schools Target group –All pupils in last year of secondary school (17-18 years old) Goals –prepare them professionally for the theory test –teach them about sustainable mobility Contents –8, 10 or 12 classes by professional driving instructors –Educational material for pupils –Funded theoretical exam in school. Driving Licence at School
Figures Driving licence at school results in +/ teaching hours for driving instructors. SchoolyearNumber of schoolsNumber of participants Success rate ,2 % ,9 % ,3 % Driving Licence at School
18+ –Start to Drive Lifelong learning
Partners –FFT, driving instructors, examination centers Target group –5.000 participant of Driving Licence at school, Goals –prepare them professionally for the practical test –student and supervisor together Contents –Infomoment and 2 hours practical training in driving school –Training with supervisor –Trial exam with feedback –Training with supervisor –Driving exam –logbook. Start to drive
18+ –Start to Drive –On the Road Lifelong learning
Partners –FFT, driving instructors, examination centers Target group –18-24 years old (large risk group), with a driving licence on a voluntary basis Goals –Make them think about mobility problems –Make them aware about agelinked risks –Teach them safer driving skills –Reduce the number of accidents. On the Road
Contents –Mix of theory and practice during a half day –Small groups (12 participants) Practical –Classes by professional driving instructors –Participant pays € 20, FFT pays € 87/participant –Benefit in car insurance –1.000 participants/year –3.500 teaching hours for driving instructors. On the Road
18+ –Start to Drive –On the Road – Ready to Ride Lifelong learning
Partners –FFT, driving instructors Target group –Motorcyclists Goals –Teaching defensive driving Contents –One day course with a lot of practical excercises Practical –Classes by professional driving instructors –All driving schools can take part –Advertising bij FFT –This autumn: FFT pays € 100/particpant, the participant pays € 50. Ready to Ride
Lifelong learning 18+ Information & awareness-raising –The Great Traffic Quiz: Online quiz game for active road users age –Trucksafe charter: road safety charter for transport companies and lorry drivers
Lifelong learning Seniors – Mobiplus
Partners –FFT, driving instructors Target group –Seniors, 55+, on a voluntary basis Goals –refresher course about traffic regulation and mobility abilities Contents –Traffic rules en traffic behavior Practical –Small groups –Classes by professional driving instructors –Four 2-hour-classes. Mobiplus
jaar Lifelong learning Nursery and primary school Secondary school 18+ Senior drivers
1990’s: participants training hours : increase due to Mobibuzz, Mobiplus 2007: increase due to “Driving Licence at School” 2007: participants training hours 2009: participants training hours Does it works? Evolution of activities FFT
Role for driving schools? –Teaching theoretical en practical lessons for different projects –Teaching everyone –Thinking about new projects –Working together with the Flemish government –Becoming ‘lifelong learning about mobility experts’ Lifelong learning
More information Eddy Klynen Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde) Louizastraat Mechelen Tel