The Last Frontier: Key System Features of Tier III Supports Within a School-wide Positive Behavior Support Continuum Tim Lewis, Ph.D. & Barbara Mitchell, Ph.D. University of Missouri OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports
Starting Point…. We cannot “make” students learn or behave We can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with consistency and fidelity
SW-Positive Behavior Support Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior
Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures 1-5% 1-5% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive 80-90% Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 80-90%
Continuum of Supports Intensive Targeted Universal Math Science Spanish NOTICE GREEN GOES IS FOR “ALL” Soc skills Reading Horses
Essential Features at the School Level Teams of educators within the school (administrator) Data-based decision making Instructional Focus Teach & Practice Acknowledge student mastery of social skills Positive Feedback Readiness across Tiers (universals always a priority) Access to on-going Technical Assistance
Universal School-Wide Features Clearly define expected behaviors (Rules) All Settings Classrooms Procedures for teaching & practicing expected behaviors Procedures for encouraging expected behaviors Procedures for discouraging problem behaviors Procedures for data-based decision making Family Awareness and Involvement
Tier II (small group) Efficient and effective way to identify at-risk students Screen Data decision rules Teacher referral Informal assessment process to match intervention to student need Small group Social Skill Instruction Self-management Academic Support Progress Monitoring Part of a continuum – must link to universal school-wide PBS system
Tier III (individualized support) Non response to Tier II When problem intense and chronic Driven by Functional Behavioral Assessment Connections to Mental Health and Community Agencies (Integrated Framework Monograph) Part of a continuum – must link to universal school-wide PBS system
Core Team Representative District PBS Support SAT Process Teacher Training and Support Targeted Interventions Individual Student Plans SAT Team Administrator Counselor Behavior Specialist STAT Team Core Team/Classrooms Implement AIS Monitor Progress Refer to SAT Core Team Representative SAT Partner Core Team Teachers *Meets Weekly RRKS Team School-Wide Systems Matrix Lesson Plans School-Wide Data Acknowledgement Communication Core Team Representative District PBS Support Building Administrator and Counselors *Meets Monthly
Data Determine When PBS Team is Ready to Build Supports Beyond Universals
Readiness for Tier 2 SWPBS universal systems are consistently implemented with fidelity School-wide Non-Classroom Classroom
Readiness for Tier 2 SWPBS Universal System Outcomes SET or BoQ score of 80% or higher within past 18 months SAS: 80% of staff report that School-wide, Non-Classroom & Classroom Systems are in place
Readiness for Tier 2 SWPBS Universal System Outcomes Data indicating 80% of students with 0-1 ODR or within national average for the school’s grade levels Consistent use of school-wide data for making decisions as evidenced by monthly Big 5 Data Reports System in place to collect classroom minor referrals
Readiness for Tier 2 Evidence of implementation of the Eight Classroom Essential Practices & a process developed for ongoing training faculty/staff.
Classroom Universal Essential Practices Classroom expectations & rules defined and taught (all use school-wide, create classroom examples) Procedures & routines defined and taught Continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior in place and used with high frequency (4:1) Continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior in place and used per established school-wide procedure Students are actively supervised (pre-corrects and positive feedback) Students are given multiple opportunities to respond (OTR) to promote high rates of academic engagement Activity sequence promotes optimal instruction time and student engaged time Instruction is differentiated based on student need
Tier 2 Readiness Analysis MO SW-PBS
Tier 3 Readiness School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Score of 80/80 or Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) of 80% or higher within the last 12 months Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) results indicate current status of 80% or more features in place for School-Wide Systems, Non-classroom Setting Systems and Classroom Systems
Tier 3 Readiness Office Referral Data (ODR) indicate 80% or more of students in the 0-1 referral range Data demonstrates reduction in classroom minor referrals over at least a one year period Consistent use of schoolwide data for making decisions as evidenced by monthly Big 5 data reports
Baseline Behavior Data Spring 15% Tier 3 Goal 5% 16% Tier 2 Goal 15% 69% Tier 1 Goal 80% 57 students with 9+ Referrals 6+ Referrals 2-5 Referrals 0-1 Referral 1712 referrals
Post Intensifying Tier I + Classrooms 16 Students with 9+ Referrals 7% Tier 3 Goal 5% 10% Tier 2 Goal 15% 83% Tier 1 Goal 80% 6+ Referrals 2-5 Referrals 0-1 Referrals 516 Referrals
Tier 3 Readiness Documentation of: Standard system for identifying students for Tier 2 supports Process to identify “function” of behavior and match intervention to the function At least one research-based small-group and/or targeted behavioral intervention that is fully implemented. If only one is fully implemented, the second intervention has been piloted and plans are in place for full implementation.
Tier 3 Readiness Documentation of: Staff training for implementation of interventions Use of individual student data for making decisions about when to continue, intensify, change, or fade intervention Informing family members of the Tier 2 process and regularly updating them about child’s progress
Tier 3 Readiness Administrator and core group of staff who will serve on Tier 3 team: At least one member with behavioral expertise At least one member with academic expertise Crossover membership for Tier 2 team Access to district level support Determine a core group of team members who will attend trainings (i.e., administrator, member with behavioral expertise, member with academic expertise)
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Analysis for Tier 3 Readiness
Implementation Stages and Phases of Learning Systems Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation Innovation Sustainability Individual Learning Acquisition Fluency Maintenance & Generalization
Designing Tier III Systems School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
Subscale: Teams 3.1 Team Composition Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Tier III teams need individuals with specific skills to effectively provide and implement Tier III supports. Think about “functions” versus traditional job titles. 3.1 Team Composition: Tier III systems planning team (or combined Tier II/III team) includes a Tier III systems coordinator and individuals who can provide (a) applied behavioral expertise, (b) administrative authority, (c) multi-agency supports (e.g., person centered planning, wraparound, RENEW) expertise, (d) knowledge of students, and (e) knowledge about the operations of the school across grade levels and programs. School organizational chart Tier III team meeting minutes 0 = Tier III team does not include a trained systems coordinator or all 5 identified functions 1 = Tier III team members have some but not all 5 functions, and /or some but not all members have relevant training or attend at least 80% of meetings 2 = Tier III team has a coordinator and all 5 functions and attendance of these members is at or above 80%
3.2 Team Operating Procedures Subscale: Teams 3.2 Team Operating Procedures Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Tier III teams should create a standard “problem solving” format (Data- Practices- systems) 3.2 Team Operating Procedures: Tier III team meets at least monthly and has (a) regular meeting format/agenda, (b) minutes, (c) defined meeting roles, and (d) a current action plan. Tier III team meeting agendas and minutes Tier III meeting roles descriptions Tier III action plan 0 = Tier III team does not use regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, or a current action plan 1= Tier III team has at least 2 but not all 4 features 2 = Tier III team meets at least monthly and uses regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, AND has a current action plan
Subscale: Teams 3.3 Screening Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Use multiple data sources to identify students who are displaying intense/chronic patterns and/or not-responding to Tier II supports. 3.3 Screening: Tier III team uses decision rules and data (e.g., ODRs, Tier II performance, academic progress, absences, teacher/family/student nominations) to identify students who require Tier III supports. School policy Team decision rubric Team meeting minutes 0 = No decision rules for identifying students who should receive Tier III supports 1 = Informal process or one data source for identifying students who qualify for Tier III supports 2 = Written data decision rules used with multiple data sources for identifying students who qualify for Tier III supports, and evidence the policy/rubric includes option for teacher/family/student nominations
Subscale: Teams 3.4 Student Support Team Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Each student receiving Tier III supports benefits from having an individualized team comprised of relevant stakeholders with a Coordinator/Case Manager (3.5) 3.4 Student Support Team: For each individual student support plan, a uniquely constructed team exists (with input/approval from student/ family about who is on the team) to design, implement, monitor, and adapt the student-specific support plan. Three randomly selected Tier III student behavior support plans created in the last 12 months (see TFI Tier III Support Plan Worksheet) 0 = Individual student support teams do not exist for all students who need them 1 = Individual student support teams exist, but are not uniquely designed with input from student/family and / or team membership has partial connection to strengths and needs 2 = Individual student support teams exist, are uniquely designed with active input/approval from student/family (with a clear link of team membership to student strengths and needs), and meet regularly to review progress data
3.6 Student/Family/Community Involvement Subscale: Resources 3.6 Student/Family/Community Involvement Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Accessing external supports and resources, as needed, to create cross setting individual student support plans. 3.6 Student/Family/Community Involvement: Tier III team has district contact person(s) with access to external support agencies and resources for planning and implementing non-school-based interventions (e.g., intensive mental health) as needed. Three randomly selected Tier III student behavior support plans created in the last 12 months (see TFI Tier III Support Plan Worksheet) 0 = District contact person not established 1 = District contact person established with external agencies, OR resources are available and documented in support plans 2 = District contact person established with external agencies, AND resources are available and documented in support plans
3.7 Professional Development Subscale: Resources 3.7 Professional Development Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Effective implementation of Tier III supports requires that relevant staff have the knowledge base necessary for success – Specific focus on Function Based Interventions & understanding how mental health supports connect to Universal & Tier II supports 3.7 Professional Development: A written process is followed for teaching all relevant staff about basic behavioral theory, function of behavior, and function-based intervention. Professional Development Calendar Staff Handbook Lesson plans for teacher trainings School policy 0 = No process for teaching staff in place 1 = Professional development and orientation process is informal 2 = Written process used to teach and coach all relevant staff in basic behavioral theory, function of behavior, and function-based intervention
Subscale: Support Plan 3.10 Hypothesis Statement Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Individual behavior support plans should be driven by a functional behavioral assessment 3.10 Hypothesis Statement: Behavior support plans include a hypothesis statement, including (a) operational description of problem behavior, (b) identification of context where problem behavior is most likely, and (c) maintaining reinforcers (e.g., behavioral function) in this context. Three randomly selected Tier III student behavior support plans created in the last 12 months (see TFI Tier III Support Plan Worksheet) 0 = No plans include a hypothesis statement with all 3 components, or there are no Tier III support plans 1 = 1 or 2 plans include a hypothesis statement with all 3 components 2 = All plans include a hypothesis statement with all 3 components
3.11 Comprehensive Support Subscale: Support Plan 3.11 Comprehensive Support Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: All individual plans provide a strategy to a) teach a pro-social replacement behavior (linked to school-wide expectation) that leads to same/similar outcome as problem behavior and b) high rates of reinforcement for replacement behavior and c) do not allow problem behavior to access previous outcome -- “don’t feed the function” 3.11 Comprehensive Support: Behavior support plans include or consider (a) prevention strategies, (b) teaching strategies, (c) strategies for removing rewards for problem behavior, (d) specific rewards for desired behavior, (e) safety elements where needed, (f) a systematic process for assessing fidelity and impact, and (g) the action plan for putting the support plan in place. Three randomly selected Tier III student behavior support plans created in the last 12 months (see TFI Tier III Support Plan Worksheet) 0 = No plans include all 7 core support plan features, or there are no Tier III support plans 1 = 1 or 2 plans include all 7 core support plan features 2 = All plans include all 7 core support plan features
FBA – PBS Plan Process Success requires: Individual(s) with expertise in FBA-PBS Fluency with a clear process among all staff whereby roles are clearly defined A basic understanding of Applied Behavior Analysis (Behavior is functionally related to the teaching environment) among all school staff
Essential Steps to Individual PBS Plans Decision Rule Met Operationally define problem/replacement behavior Background/archival data/ data collection/Environmental Assessment Functional Behavioral Assessment Indirect measures Direct observation Develop hypothesis regarding function of problem behavior Develop a PBS plan Social skill instruction Self management Environmental modifications Implement, Monitor and Evaluate progress
District –Wide Planning
District-Wide Considerations Common forms & process Training & Technical assistance targets Evaluation FBA BIP School & District Process
An Example District Review
Key Points Across the Review Response to appropriate/replacement behavior must lead to the same functional outcome as the problem behavior (i.e., get/avoid). Response to problem behavior must be the opposite of the current function (e.g., avoid adult attention if problem behavior functions to access adult attention). Hypotheses should only include “get what student finds reinforcing” and/or “avoid what student finds aversive.” Power, control, emotion expression are not observable/manipulable functions.
Key Points Across the Review Teaching replacement behavior should focus on how to build student fluency with replacement behavior, not what the adults will do or what incentives will be built into the system. Environment manipulations should focus on prompting replacement behavior and altering antecedent conditions to lessen likelihood of problem behavior occurring. Training and technical assistance should focus on a range of strategies for escape-motivated students.
3.12 Natural and Formal Supports Subscale: Support Plan 3.12 Natural and Formal Supports Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Idea: Some Tier III plans may need to include professionals, service providers, and individuals from outside the “typical” school day. Key is to tie all services to the school-wide expectations. 3.12 Formal and Natural Supports: Behavior support plan(s) requiring extensive and coordinated support (e.g., person centered planning, wraparound, RENEW) documents quality of life strengths and needs to be completed by formal (e.g., school/district personnel) and natural (e.g., family, friends) supporters. At least one Tier III behavior support plan requiring extensive support (see TFI Tier III Support Plan Worksheet) 0 = Plan does not include specific actions, or there are no plans with extensive support 1 = Plan includes specific actions, but they are not related to the quality of life needs and / or do not include natural supports 2 = Plan includes specific actions, linked logically to the quality of life needs, and they include natural supports
Interconnected Systems Framework for School Mental Health Tier 3: Intensive Interventions for Few Individual Student and Family Supports Systems Planning team coordinates decision rules/referrals for this level of service and progress monitors Individual team developed to support each student Individual plans may have array of interventions/services Plans can range from one to multiple life domains System in place for each team to monitor student progress Tier 2: Early Intervention for Some Coordinated Systems for Early Detection, Identification, and Response to Mental Health Concerns Systems Planning Team identified to coordinate referral process, decision rules and progress monitor impact of intervention Array of services available Communication system for staff, families and community Early identification of students who may be at risk for mental health concerns due to specific risk factors Skill-building at the individual and groups level as well as support groups Staff and Family training to support skill development across settings Tier I: Universal/Prevention for All Coordinated Systems, Data, Practices for Promoting Healthy Social and Emotional Development for ALL Students School Improvement team gives priority to social and emotional health Mental Health skill development for students, staff, families and communities Social Emotional Learning curricula for all students Safe & caring learning environments Partnerships between school, home and the community Decision making framework used to guide and implement best practices that consider unique strengths and challenges of each school community
Subscale: Evaluation 3.14 Data System Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Main Ideas: Essential to track daily individual student data and create data-decision rules to help guide on-going intervention implementation and Implementation Fidelity (3.15). Monitor overall number of students who are supported (3.16) and modify systems at least annually (3.17). 3.14 Data System: Aggregated (i.e., overall school-level) Tier III data are summarized and reported to staff at least monthly on (a) fidelity of support plan implementation, and (b) impact on student outcomes. Reports to staff Staff meeting minutes Staff report 0 = No quantifiable data 1 = Data are collected on outcomes and/or fidelity but not reported monthly 2 = Data are collected on student outcomes AND fidelity and are reported to staff at least monthly
Tier III and Special Education Tier III process and supports available to all students who meet school-based data decision rules. Behavioral expertise and process driven among a variety of school staff. Not intended to be part of the Special Education Evaluation process (unless specified and parent consent secured). If student on IEP, follow procedural safeguards.
Big Ideas Readiness Continued focus on Universals and Tier II Phases of implementation Behavioral Expertise v. job title Continue “instructional focus” Map “external supports” to school-wide PBS system Strategic training and technical assistance Formative and Summative evaluation of the process
Integrated Multi-Tiered Framework for Educational Success October 22-23, 2015 OSEP Technical Assistance Center on PBIS 2015 Leadership Forum Sessions are organized by strands that support initial through advanced implementation in elementary, middle, and high schools as well as juvenile justice facilities: PBIS Foundations Classroom Applications Tier 2 Systems & Practices Tier 3 Systems & Practices Aligning Systems Juvenile Justice Mental Health Integration Equity Applied Evaluation Special Topics Integrated Multi-Tiered Framework for Educational Success SAVE THE DATE Donald Stephens Convention Center - Rosemont, IL Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, Illinois This two-day forum for school, state, district and regional Leadership Teams and other professionals has been designed to increase the effectiveness of PBIS implementation. Featuring sessions specifically designed for our Mental Health, Juvenile Justice, and Family/Community Partners! Visit the Upcoming Events page at for more information