Meeting Management and Roles July 1998
- 2 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Regardless of Your Role, You Are Judged on How You Handle a Meeting Time Management? Executive Presence? Managerial/ Leadership Skills? Problem Solving Capabilities?
- 3 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Steps to an Effective Meeting Plan Do Review Establish the need Set a clear agenda Arrange logistics Define roles and responsibilities Pre-position key contributions Identify and overcome barriers Follow the agenda Record group thinking Practice good meeting behaviors Encourage participation Identify next steps Note benefits and concerns Evaluate effectiveness Circulate meeting summary Follow up on next steps Incorporate benefits and concerns into next meeting plan
- 4 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Effective Meeting Checklist Activity 1.Was an agenda sent out ahead of time? 2.Were objectives clear? 3.Were handouts and meeting aides prepared in advance and presented at the meeting? 4.Was the meeting room set up properly? 5.Did the meeting start on time? 6.Was the agenda followed? 7.Did participants understand what was expected of them during the meeting? 8.Did the meeting end on time? 9.Was there good participation in the meeting? 10.Was the meeting controlled? 11.Was the meeting summarized? 12.Were participants’ problems, concerns, and needs sought? 13.Were decisions made or action items assigned to resolve problems? 14.Were commitments asked for and made? 15.Were follow-up reporting times established? 16.Did meeting leader practice good interpersonal skills: active listening, paraphrasing, and Yes_____ _____ No_____ _____ Date: ____________________Purpose: ____________________
- 5 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt We Participate in All Types of Meetings Source:How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills, Fran Rees. Lecture/Presentation FacilitatingPresenting 80% 20% 80% 20% 50% Decision-oriented meetings, problem-solving meetings, task force meetings, team meetings, project team meetings, focus groups One-way information sharing meetings, briefings Project updates, management reviews Staff meetings, standing committee meetings
- 6 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Meeting Roles: Client/ Team Leader “Owns” the meeting—sets the objectives Determines the participants Provides support, information, and resources Sets the tone Encourages creativity Makes decisions
- 7 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Meeting Behavior: The Leader Sets the Tone Demand serious preparation, attention, and effort Set high—but reasonable, achievable expectations Speak in terms of “we” instead of “I” Make the team realize that the task is important
- 8 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Meeting Roles: Resource/ Team Member Generates ideas and recommendations Adheres to the agenda Practices good meeting behaviors Completes assigned tasks Participates actively
- 9 - MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt Meeting Roles: Facilitator Guides the process Make it “safe” for everyone to participate Records group ideas and decisions Monitors time contract Brings team back on-track when needed Helps headline and clarify ideas Aids team performance Provides feedback
MtgMgtRolesv1.ppt The Group Memory: Flipchart Recordings Helps the group focus Provides instant record of meeting content Encourages participation “Depersonalizes” ideas Increases sense of accomplishment