WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since WSU Extension Master Gardeners, MG Foundations and the MOAs that bind them
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since MG Volunteers and MG Foundation Members! Same people, different hats
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Someone once said that Extension MG Volunteers are like a symphony and the Foundation is like a “Friends of the Symphony” organization. It can get confusing, though, when the same people are in both groups. What is the difference?
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since When you use the Master Gardener title, you are identifying yourself as a volunteer certified to teach in the WSU Extension MG program. Master Gardeners engage people in learning to use research-based gardening practices.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since A Foundation is.. a nonprofit organization that typically donates funds to another organization. Foundation members are MGs who support their local program by funding outreach activities, demo gardens, program promotion, and other deliverables as agreed upon between Extension and the MG Foundation.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since In a nutshell… MG Volunteers “work” for WSU Extension as community educators Foundation members “work” to support local MG programs
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardeners are trained by WSU Extension faculty and staff via online and classroom presentations. Let’s talk about what Extension MG Volunteers do…
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since After training, Master Gardeners take a final exam and begin volunteering for WSU.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardener Volunteers answer questions at Plant Clinics and community events.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardeners provide and demonstrate science-based education.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardeners teach youth about gardening and natural resources in schools and at community events.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardener Volunteers give a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service to the local WSU Extension Master Gardener Program to become a certified MG
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardener Program Coordinators may limit how many program support hours count toward certification
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since Master Gardener Foundations/Associations
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since A Foundation is.. a nonprofit organization that typically donates funds to another organization. Foundation members are MGs who support their local program by funding outreach activities, demo gardens, program promotion, and more.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since A Memorandum of Agreement is… a written contract or MOA. It is required when University resources are exchanged with another entity. The MOA is signed by a University officer who is a delegated authority from the Board of Regents or the President.
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since What is being exchanged? University resources: office space, newsletters, faculty and staff time and expertise, volunteer credit, property, equipment, the name ‘Master Gardener’ Foundation resources: financial support; hosting of social events; promotion of MG programs; donations of plants, funding for books, computers, garden supplies
Fundraising, Social and promotional events Supports local program how? Annual Conference Awards Scholarships Newsletter, state listserv Mtgs for County Fdn.reps Local F2F Training Volunteer Mgmt Community activities Reporting local impacts Curriculum, OLT Certification Policies Coord training University relations Program Impacts Branding WSU Ext MG Program County Ext. MG Program County MG Foundation State MG Foundation
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since What is the purpose of your foundation? What are requirements of its members? Do you have a current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) ? What does your Foundation do? What does WSU Extension do?
Washington State University Contracts Office Forms/Templates Standard Contract Terms Extension/Master Gardener Agreements – a contract entered into by local Extension Offices which supports the mission of WSU Extension and/or the Master Gardener Program
Contracting steps: 1. Negotiation between Ext office and Foundation. 2. Drafting of document using template in Contracts office 3. Review by County Director, State MG Leader, Contracts office 4. Approval by all parties. 5. Performance
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: Volunteer Community Educators– cultivating plants, people, and communities since In Summary.. Extension MG volunteers deliver outreach Foundation Members support the program Same people, different hats