Stem Cell Research By: James Stanke
Types of Stem Cells There are three types of stem cells. They are Umbilical Stem Cells, Adult Stem Cells, and Embryonic Stem Cells. Each type of stem cell has it advantages and disadvantages in helping people.
Umbilical Cord Stem Cells These stem cells are found in the umbilical cord. This is the richest source of stem cells among the three choices. These cell can only be taken at the birth of a new born baby. Unless the procedure is arranged ahead of time it can not be done. Only the donor or direct blood relatives can benefit from these cells.
Adult Stem Cells These cells are the hardest for scientists to work with because of the way they are extracted. They also do not replicate as well as embryonic stem cells do. These cells can be found in the major organs or bone marrow of any adult. Although these cells can be successfully taken from the donor, it can be extremely painful and cause damage to the donor. There is a way to take these cells in a less painful way, however this process is very time consuming and the cells are more likely to be rejected. Plus the donor of these cells is the only person that can use them, leaving the general public out of luck.
Embryonic Stem Cells These cells are the most useful cells of the three types. It does not matter what a person’s race, age, gender, or blood type is. These cells may be used for anyone, at anytime, for anything. Unlike like Umbilical Cord stem cells and Adult stem cells, these cells are able to create any cell, tissue, or organ in the human body. This is also the most controversial type of stem cell because of the way they are obtained. Before becoming a fetus, these cells are first called a blastocyst, meaning that they are getting ready to make all the necessary parts of a fetus. It is viewed as controversial because some people believe that by using these cells in research means that we are killing a human life.
Why All The Controversy? All stem cell research is, is moving the embryos from one place to another. Instead of throwing them away or leaving them to freeze to death in a fertility clinic, they are being cultured in laboratories to cure human diseases. No one accounts for natures own cruelty. Millions of embryos as a result of natural causes die and no one knows about it. How come no one is mourning the deaths of these embryos? Embryos are not humans. They have no ability to feel, think, speak, express emotions, breathe, and have no physical characteristics of what a human should look like.
How Would They Help? There are many way in which stem cells can help humans. If given the opportunity for more research to be done, organ transplants could be possible without another person giving up organs. Stem cells would be able to grow into any organ that would be needed, eliminating organ donation lists and people waiting for an organ that may not become available. In addition to helping organ reciepients, stem cells can be grown into human limbs, or muscle tissues. This can help millions of people involved in tragic accidents a chance to live a normal life again. These cells can also help many mental and physical diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, some forms of diabetes, and one day even cancer. If research is not allowed to be done, then the answers will never be found.
Video Clips This clip demonstrates the view of stem cell research under former President George W. Bush. &feature=PlayList&p=BB2FBA774CDF99BB&inde x=0&playnext=1 &feature=PlayList&p=BB2FBA774CDF99BB&inde x=0&playnext=1 This clip demonstrates the view of stem cell research under current President Barack Obama &feature=related &feature=related
Conclusion As you can see both video clips have different views on what to do with stem cell research. This is a choice that millions of Americans have to make each day, what is right or wrong. I believe that stem cell research is the right thing to do and is a step towards the future. What will your decision be? It is up to you!!!