5 Days in Vienna s presentation drafted by students of the 3BK, 4AK and 4BK (2007/08)
Vienna capital city of Austria capital city of AustriaAustria population: 1.7 mio. population: 1.7 mio. located in the north-east of Austria located in the north-east of Austria close to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary close to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and HungaryCzech RepublicSlovakia HungaryCzech RepublicSlovakia Hungary area: 414,90 km 2 area: 414,90 km 2 divided in 23 districts divided in 23 districts
Tourist attractions (1) Burgtheater Parliament Hofburg State Opera State Opera City Hall City Hall
Tourist attractions (2) St. Charles‘s Church St. Charles‘s Church Belvedere Palace Belvedere Palace Schoenbrunn Palace Schoenbrunn Palace St. Stephen‘s Cathedral St. Stephen‘s Cathedral Giant Wheel Giant Wheel
Kärtnerstraße and St. Stephen’s Cathedral KärntnerstraßeKärntnerstraße is one of the most fashionable shopping streets in Vienna in the 1st District. It runs from Karlsplatz into the city center of Vienna. It ends at St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Kärntnerstraße
Parliament Theophil Hansen built the Parliament (1873 to 1883) in the style of the Greek Revival. He also drafted the Pallas Athena Fountain in front of it; the 15-foot figure of the Greek goddess of wisdom was made by Karl Kundmann. Theophil Hansen built the Parliament (1873 to 1883) in the style of the Greek Revival. He also drafted the Pallas Athena Fountain in front of it; the 15-foot figure of the Greek goddess of wisdom was made by Karl Kundmann. To the right of the Parliament you see the Renner Memorial, dedicated to Dr. Karl Renner, former president of the Republic. To the right of the Parliament you see the Renner Memorial, dedicated to Dr. Karl Renner, former president of the Republic.
Vienna City Hall The Vienna City Hall is the seat of the mayor and governor of Vienna (Vienna being both a city and a state since 1922, these functions are combined in one person ), and the City Council. The Vienna City Hall is the seat of the mayor and governor of Vienna (Vienna being both a city and a state since 1922, these functions are combined in one person ), and the City Council. The City Hall Park is a very attractively laid-out garden with two fountains and several interesting monuments. The City Hall Park is a very attractively laid-out garden with two fountains and several interesting monuments.
Vienna State Opera The Vienna State Opera is one of the most important opera houses in the world – and it offers diversity at the highest level. Three hundred days a year, the Vienna State Opera offers a program that changes daily. The Vienna State Opera is one of the most important opera houses in the world – and it offers diversity at the highest level. Three hundred days a year, the Vienna State Opera offers a program that changes daily. Once a year, the stage and orchestra stalls of the Vienna State Opera turn into a giant dance floor – for the Vienna Opera Ball. Once a year, the stage and orchestra stalls of the Vienna State Opera turn into a giant dance floor – for the Vienna Opera Ball.
Schönbrunn Palace Schönbrunn Palace is one of the most important cultural monuments in Austria and also one of the major tourist attractions in Vienna. Schönbrunn Palace is one of the most important cultural monuments in Austria and also one of the major tourist attractions in Vienna. The Palace is open to the public, attracting around 1.5 million visitors annually. The Palace is open to the public, attracting around 1.5 million visitors annually.
SchönbrunnZoo Schönbrunn Zoo was founded in the park was founded in the park of Schönbrunn Palace of Schönbrunn Palace in in It is the oldest zoo in the world. in the world. And it is one of the most And it is one of the most interesting attractions interesting attractions of Vienna. of Vienna.
Belvedere Palace The Belvedere is a baroque palace complex built by Prince Eugene of Savoy in the 3rd District of Vienna, south-east of the city center. It is home to the Österreichische Galerie, one of the most beautiful art museums in the city. The Belvedere is a baroque palace complex built by Prince Eugene of Savoy in the 3rd District of Vienna, south-east of the city center. It is home to the Österreichische Galerie, one of the most beautiful art museums in the city.
Here the Austrian State Treaty was signed on May 15, Belvedere Palace
Chocolate museum The first Viennese Chocolate Museum, was opened in It is located in the 23rd District. During the 23rd District. During the tour, visitors are offered different tour, visitors are offered different Viennese chocolate Viennese chocolate specialties. specialties. In addition, the production of chocolate is shown. In addition, the production of chocolate is shown.
Prater The Viennese Prater is a modern adventure park, in which 250 attractions are available. The most interesting and biggest attraction is the Ferris Wheel, Ferris Wheel, from which you can see the whole city and have fun. from which you can see the whole city and have fun.
Danube Tower The Danube Tower is 826 feet high. The two express elevators take you to the rotating restaurant for a splendid view (at 564 feet) within 45 seconds. The Danube Tower is 826 feet high. The two express elevators take you to the rotating restaurant for a splendid view (at 564 feet) within 45 seconds. From the top you can enjoy an excellent view of Vienna's old city and the Vienna Woods, as well as the environment of the city. From the top you can enjoy an excellent view of Vienna's old city and the Vienna Woods, as well as the environment of the city. The Danube Tower was built in 1964 on the occasion of the Vienna International Garden Show, of which the Danube Park is a lasting reminder. The Danube Tower was built in 1964 on the occasion of the Vienna International Garden Show, of which the Danube Park is a lasting reminder.
Haus des Meeres In the House of the Seas you can see more than 2500 living animals from all over the world. You will see sharks, sea turtles and lots of beautifully coloured tropical fish as well as the famous Piranhas. You can also find crocodiles, snakes and animals from the Mediterranean Sea. But the most outstanding highlight is the newly opened adventure world “tropical house": You walk over wooden paths, breathing the moist and warm air of tropical regions.
Mariahilfer Straße Mariahilfer Straße is located between the city center and Westbahnhof. It is the longest and most modern shopping street of Vienna. There are more than 100 fashion outlets and 3 shopping centers. You can reach it by subway (U3).
Shopping City Süd The Shopping City Süd (SCS) is located south of Vienna. The Shopping City Süd (SCS) is located south of Vienna.Shopping City Süd Shopping City Süd With an area of 173,000 sqm, it is the biggest shopping center in Austria and also the biggest in Europe. It has over 330 shops and about 4,500 employees. The SCS offers 10,000 parking spaces, and it also serves people from Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. With an area of 173,000 sqm, it is the biggest shopping center in Austria and also the biggest in Europe. It has over 330 shops and about 4,500 employees. The SCS offers 10,000 parking spaces, and it also serves people from Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.
Traditional food Wiener Schnitzel Wiener Schnitzel Tafelspitz Tafelspitz Apfelstrudel Apfelstrudel sweet pancakes sweet pancakes Sachertorte Sachertorte
Zanoni and Swimming In your spare time, you could go swimming at the Schafbergbad. at the Schafbergbad. Afterwards you could eat Afterwards you could eat some ice- cream at Zanoni’s some ice- cream at Zanoni’s ice cream parlor. ice cream parlor.
Thank you for your attention!
See you in Vienna 3BK