The Preventive Role of Nutrition for BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers The Preventive Role of Nutrition for BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers Sharon Bar-Gil, Ph.D., RH (AHG)
Functional Medicine Functional Medicine Goal: optimal function Integrative Science based For prevention and treatment Patient centered - focusing on the individual and tailoring a unique plan to restore balance Tools: nutrition, herbs, supplements and life style modifications
Objective Understand the Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention.
You’re not ill yet, Mrs. Smith, but you’ve got potential.”
Nutrition is an Essential Tool in Your “Cancer Prevention Tool Kit”. Nutritional interventions can: –Reduce & prevent further mutations –Support proper cell growth and death
Agenda Nutrigenomics – nutrition can change gene expression Natural agents that can help regulate BRCA1/2 genes: –Fatty acids –Green tea –Turmeric
What is Food?
Nutrigenomics – You can turn genes “On” or “Off” Nutrigenomics is the study of how foods interact with your genes and alter their expression. Genes do not function in isolation. They interact with each other as well as with their environment. Nutrigenomics provides the ambitious goal of optimizing an individual’s health via nutritional interventions. FASEB; Mutch et al. 19 (12): (2005)
Nutrition Can Change Gene Expression Animals fed healthy or nutrients deficient diet. Those on deficient diet developed colon cancer within 1 year. 2,000+ genes altered their expression toward a cancer profile Pattern of gene expression reverted toward a healthy profile when nutrients added back to diet. Augenlicht LH: Nutritional genomics and proteomics in cancer prevention conference. J. Nutr. 133: 2410S–2416S, 2003
Agenda Nutrigenomics – How Nutrition can change gene expression Natural agents that can help regulate BRCA1/2 genes: –Fatty acids –Green tea –Turmeric
Fatty Acids Regulate BRCA1/2 Fatty acids (such as fish oils) can regulate BRCA1/2 expression: –Omega 3 (EPA & DHA) fatty acids have been shown to reduce pathological cell growth. –Omega 6 fatty acids have been found to induce tumor proliferation. DHA supplementation significantly reduced the incidence of tumors (30%) and led to a 60% increase BRCA1 protein level. Bernard-Gallon et-al, British Journal of Nutrition (2002), 87, 281–289 MARIE-LISE JOURDAN, ET-AL,ONCOLOGY REPORTS 17: , 2007
Where Are They Found? Omega 3 – cold water fish, flax seed, dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, olive oil, grass fed beef Omega 6 - Safflower oil, Sunflower oil, Corn oil Sesame oil, Soybean oil, Walnut oil, commercially raised beef
Green Tea & Gene Expression Helps DNA repair Inhibits promoting genes (MMP-2, MMP-9) Increases inhibitory genes Induces apoptosis Prevention dosage: – mg (>50% EGCG)= 2-4 caps. daily Katiyar, S.K., et al, Green Tea in Chemoprevention of Cancer. Adhami, et al, J. Nutr, 2003 Tang et al. Int J Cancer, 2007 Lozano, et al, Febs J, 2006 Susan McCarthy, et-al, molecular Oncology, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages (September 2007)Susan McCarthyVolume 1Issue 2
Green Tea Extract Inhibits PC in Human Clinical Trial 60 volunteers with PC. Consumed 200 mg * 3 per day or placebo for 1 year At 1 year: 1 tumor was diagnosed in the green tea group (3%), while 9 cancers were found in the placebo (30%) S. Bettuzzi, et-al, Cancer Research 66, , January 2006
Turmeric – Synergy with Chemotherapy Turmeric has many mechanisms through which it prevents/destroys cancer cells: –Inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells –Destroy mutated cancer cells M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2008) : Mice injected with aggressive breast cancer cells. –Divided to 4 groups: No treatment = 95% metastasis Taxol only = 75% metastasis Curcumin only = 50% metastasis Curcumin + Taxol = 22% metastasis Research dosage= 8 g’ daily journal Clinical Cancer Research, October 15 th, 2005 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Sept. 2008
Prevention = The Concept of Total Load Most of us are exposed to constant low level of toxins. Such exposure is not well studied: –Difficult to measure –Biochemical individuality = different risks –Multiple sources of exposures have synergistic effects The ability to inhibit or repair mutations depends, to a great extent, on lifestyle choices The concept of total load = –Decrease exposure –Increase protection
Talk to Your Genes With Food Drink about 1 glass of red wine 3-5 days a week. Limit sugar intake Consume moderate amounts of fish, eggs, poultry and/or wild meats up. Limited consumption of red meat Eat organically grown or wild foods. Spice it Up: Use herbs & kitchen spices liberally
Talk to Your Genes With Food Consume mostly food from plant sources, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds Aim for 2-3 fruits & 5+ vegetables daily Eat minimally processed and mostly seasonally fresh foods. Eat a Rainbow: Choose deeply colored produce and eat full rainbow of colors daily.
You can be in control when it comes to actively maintaining your nutritional status.
Thank You Sharon Bar-Gil Ph.D., R.H. (AHG) Tel: