Rebecca Maddox
To start an entrepreneurship is not difficult. First you need to know what kind of business you want to start. In this case I’m going to start a bar. If you are going to be an entrepreneur you need to know a lot about the business you are trying to start. In my particular case I would need to go to bartending school and get my liquor license first. Then I would probably want to work as a bartender for a couple years before trying to start my own bar.
When you are an entrepreneur your occupational duties are everything. You are your own boss. For the business you are trying to start you need to hire people to work for you pay the bills and make sure your business has everything it needs to succeed.
As an entrepreneur you don’t get compensation because of the fact that you aren’t working for any one… more than likely you are going to have to get insurance for your employees and your self so its all on you.
You never really know what is going to happen as a entrepreneur. All you can do is have a game plan and hope for the best. Your business could fail or soar, you never know what to expect.
Over all being an entrepreneur is great, but it is also very risky. You really have to know what you are doing to be able to succeed. You need to study up on business and everything you need to know about what you are trying to sell!