D RESS T O I MPRESS 2009 NWTC Career Center
F IRST I MPRESSIONS Irreversible assumptions are made almost immediately based on a persons’ appearance. They will form an opinion of you as soon as the first 60 seconds of seeing you. They will spend the rest of the interview confirming this impression.
B ASIC T IPS Keep your appearance neat and clean. Iron everything- make sure there are no wrinkles. Make sure there are no stains. Video Clip ( Dress “up” not “down.” Project an image that mirrors the position and the company. Dress better than if you were actually at the job. Be conservative, not trendy. Neutral body odor wear an antiperspirant/deodorant, use perfume or other fragrance sparingly. Make sure you have fresh breath. Cigarette and coffee breath can last a long time.
B ASICS C ONT. Wear neutral colors: navy blue or charcoal. Suits and suit coats. Always wear a blouse or dress shirt underneath. The outfit should still be complete if you remove the jacket. No pastels, plaid, patterns, designs, or logos. No jeans. No belly buttons, shoulders, or excessive cleavage. Generally form fitting or tight clothing is not professional. Be mindful of visible tattoos or body piercings.
S OMETHING F OR E VERYONE Hair Simple style, out of your face. Nylons Necessity if wearing a skirt, dress socks may be worn with pants. Accessories Minimal make-up and jewelry. One or two simple pieces (watch and stud earrings). Hair No facial hair, or well trimmed. Style should be simple, do not overload on gel or other products. Learn how to tie a tie. No Bowties. Stay away from jewelry other than wedding or class ring. WomenMen
S HOES, S HOES, AND M ORE S HOES ! Neat and polished. Closed-toed. Should match your outfit. Conservative heel. No higher than 2 inches. Dark colored. Match socks! Neat and polished. Black leather with laces is versatile and can be worn with multiple outfits. WomenMen
W HAT T O B RING Make sure your pockets are empty. No bulges or jingling coins. Bring along a briefcase or portfolio. Have a pen and pad of paper, along with extra copies of your Resume and references. Some come with places to put keys, cell phone, lipstick, or other items you may need to carry. Women opt out of bringing the purse. Turn cell phone off, or leave it in the car.
Y OUR F IRST S UIT Have your suit professionally tailored. It looks great on you. You feel more comfortable. Buy the nicest suit you can afford. Quality over quantity. A cheap suit is easy to spot. A well chosen suit will last you well into your career.
W HERE T O G O Kohl’s NY and Company Yonkers 2 pc. Suit- $79.99 YWCA Women’s Closet Men’s Warehouse Jos. A. Bank Kohl’s Jacket- $105 on sale Pants- $44 on sale
G IVE I T A T EST D RIVE Once you have your suit, practice wearing the whole ensemble. Practice sitting, standing, and walking. Learn how they move and stretch with you so you are comfortable with everything on the interview day. Look at all angles in the mirror. Be sure to remove all the price tags or other stickers. Make sure everything is ironed or pressed.
F INAL N OTES Dress up, not down. Look professional. You are going to an interview, not down the runway. Think it through. Make sure everything matches, and is properly ironed or pressed. Try it out. Make sure it fits- not too big, not too small.