Materials Handling
The unrelieved weight of a heavy motionless mass. Revenue-producing part of a cargo OR total weight of crew, instruments or equipment carried by an aircraft Principles of Handling: Selection Process and Techniques Equipment should be as standardized as possible When in motion, system design should provide maximum continuous product flow Investment should be in handling rather than stationary equipment Handling equipment should be utilized to the maximum extent possible In handling equipment selection the ratio of dead-weight to payload should be minimized Gravity flow should be incorporated in system design
Examples of Gravity Flow
Pallet Flow Rack
Pallet Flow Racks
Carton Flow Rack
Gravity Flow Rack
Types of Material Handling Manual Mechanized Semi- automated Automated Information Directed RF wireless (Wi-Fi), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and light directed operations (LDO) Information Technology – Warehouse Management System, Order Selection, Automated Storage/Retrieval Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), Sortation, Robotics, Live Racks Lift Trucks, Rider trucks, Towlines, Tractor-trailer devices, Conveyors, Carousels Use of labor only.
Sources management-bowersox-4th/chapter-10/handling management-bowersox-4th/chapter-10/handling Pd6vEC&pg=PA434&lpg=PA434&dq=manual+mechaniz ed+semi- automated+automated+materials+handling&source=bl &ots=NFsgbseSGl&sig=3PuvlMz0AjqxVm- 7iKlm4deXfzg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=mgcIVIiPOs29ugTJ2YLQ Bg&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=manual%20 mechanized%20semi- automated%20automated%20materials%20handling&f =false