How to care for lizards
Equipment for bearded dragons You will need: Pooper scooper Water bowl/food bowl Vivarium Bark Ramps/fake trees Hiding cave/ log Heater mat/hot rock Food(crickets and vegetables)
Facts One of the easiest to care for. Small dragons are delicate so handle gently. Can live up to 10 years. If cared properly they will grow to there maximum size of 60cm. Originate form deserts in Australia. Eats crickets 1 every4days and vegetables everyday. Refill the water every day. A healthy bearded dragon will be bright eyed, have strong legs and be active in searching for food during the day. Baby dragons shed there skin monthly
Leopard gecko equipment You will need: Pooper scooper Water bowl/food bowl Vivarium Cave/log Heater Vivarium Food (crickets) Sand
Leopard gecko facts They are nocturnal they don't come out in the day Crickets daily Refill the water daily Dark damp place to shred there skin Day time temperature 85f. night temperature 75f. Can live for up to 20 years Originate from hot dry places