Robert Skylur Clark
Simply Me Age: 15 Birth date: 7/8/98 Born: Arlington, TX I move a lot
My Hobbies Hydroplane racing learning Fun Fast Dangerous I like wisdom Knowledge is power
My Hobbies Continued building Video gaming I like to build for the mental aspect New out of old Fun New age literature strategy
Favorite foods Chicken alfredo Macaroni Smoked ribs Pizza sushi
Role models Naomi Novik Matthew Bryant Lyle mason Robert Clark Gary Alan Dutt
Things I dislike Idiots Bad food People singing being off key Crashing a boat
Things I like Going fast Good food Music Art Video games Learning Hydroplane racing
Why I like what I like Boat racing is a rush like no other it is the most fun I've ever had You have to eat food why not eat good food Art is fun to look at Music expresses my feelings Learning is a great thing to me because it ensures a good future
personality 1. Laid back 2. Long fuse 3. Funny 4. Caring 5. Loyal 6. Mentally strong
Favorite animals Snakes Lizards Parrots Dogs
Favorite songs Unforgiven Iron man Man of constant sorrow House of the rising sun Fake it Dead and gone
Favorite movies Avatar Transformers Sean of the dead O brother where are thou
Favorite games Borderlands 1 Border lands 2 Halo 4 Minecraft Age of mythology Plague inc.
Thank you