By Haley Brown October 25, 2012
There are Domesticated and Non- Domesticated lizards. Domesticated lizards are sold at pet stores. Domesticated means: Brought from the wild to live in association with humans. Non- Domesticated lizards are part of the wild, and are usually not tame.
Many lizards need special care. They need a clean cage. You need to also maintain a daily diet. After each meal make sure you have a heated place for them to digest its food.
To keep a lizard you have to note the type you have. This will help you learn what you need to feed your lizard. An omnivore is a plant and insect eater. It needs to be fed mustard greens along with your choice of insects. An insectivore eats just insects.
Green Iguanas have nasal salt glands that enables them to sneeze a liquid that turns into salt.
Lizards have different types of defense mechanisms. A defense Mechanism is what the lizard does to defend itself. Many have one main mechanism. The detachment of the tail
The Horned Devil squirts blood out of its eye when in danger.
The bearded dragon is the most common house lizard. When in danger it puffs out its “beard” and holds its mouth open. The Bearded Dragon’s “beard” is a spiky flap of skin on each side of the head.
The Basilisk runs when in danger It usually runs upright on its hind legs The Basilisk runs so fast that it often can run on water. Giving it the name “ The Jesus Christ Lizard”.
Lizards often lay eggs. Some hatch the eggs inside their stomachs. Many lizards can perform tail autonomy, or the detachment of the tail. While the predator is distracted by the tail, the lizard gets away.