The Analytical Engine was so complex that Babbage didn’t have enough money to build it so he asked Parliament for a loan, but they never gave him one. People today said that the engine could have been built if Parliament would have supported him.
Inventors: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak Was developed for businesses in the 1970’s.
The ENIAC was built for the military because they needed a computer for calculating artillery-firing tables and the settings were used for different weapons under varied conditions for target accuracy.
The term ‘Computer Bug’ is coined by Grace Murray Hopper. During her work on Mark II and Mark III machine was facing some problem, later operators investigated and identified that there was a moth (Insect) trapped in a relay which was causing problem. This Computer Bug (Insect) removed and taped to log book September 9 th 1945 at 3:45 p.m. “First, actual case of bug being found in computer”. Grace Murray Hopper is also a Mother of COBOL. The word went out that they had "debugged" the machine and the term "debugging a computer program" was born.
In 1881, Herman Hollerith began designing a machine to tabulate census data more efficiently than by traditional hand methods. The U.S. Census Bureau had taken eight years to complete the 1880 census, and it was feared that the 1890 census would take even longer. Herman Hollerith invented and used a punched card device to help analyze the 1890 US census data. Herman Hollerith's great breakthrough was his use of electricity to read, count, and sort punched cards whose holes represented data gathered by the census-takers. His machines were used for the 1890 census and accomplished in one year what would have taken nearly ten years of hand tabulating. In 1896, Herman Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to sell his invention, the Company became part of IBM in 1924.
A computer program (also a software program, or just a program) is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task for a computer. A computer requires programs to function,typically executing the program's instructions in a central processor. The program has an executable form that the computer can use directly to execute the instructions. The same program in its human-readabl source code form, from which executable programs are derived, enables a programmer to study and develop its algorithms.
One transistor replaced many tubes, making computers smaller, less expensive, and more reliable.
The Internet was started in the late 1960’s by the Department of Defense’s ARPA as a project.
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