Gifted Services Desert Sage Elementary Erin Moore, M.Ed. Gifted Services Coordinator Gifted Services Desert Sage August 7, 2014
Background Throughout the school year Desert Sage teachers, school administration, and district administration have been researching ways to improve our gifted services. We are utilizing the experience of Canyon Springs who has successfully adopted this model.
Our Previous Gifted Model SAGE in grades 3-6 Gifted-identified students were dispersed among all grade level classrooms They were then pulled out for 45- minute blocks of math and/or reading depending on their identification.
Our Goals Work to our teachers strengths and best meet the needs of our students. Include intervention time to stop the gaps in curriculum we see as students continue through and/or exit the SAGE Math program. Meet the required instructional minutes for both Math and ELA (Reading and Writing) at the appropriate accelerated level. Students receive 90 minutes of Advanced Math instead of 45 minutes of SAGE Math and 45 minutes of Grade-Level Math. Offer true Gifted programming with Project Based Learning opportunities for students to explore personal interests. Reduce unnecessary transitions that waste instructional time.
New Gifted Model for Desert Sage 3 rd and 4 th Grade ELA (Reading and Writing) 5 th and 6 th Grade ELA (Reading and Writing) 6 th Grade Math SAGE Content Replacement 3 rd Grade Math Cluster 4 th and 5 th Grade Math Flex Grouping Model 3rd – 6th Grade Math Project Based Learning
What is Gifted Clustering? Instead of dispersing gifted students throughout all classrooms and then having them pulled for just one or two classes, the gifted-identified students are clustered together into a classroom with a teacher who is trained in gifted education. Gifted strategies and differentiation can be applied in all subject areas. The Gifted Services Coordinator will work with the Cluster Teachers to provide training, team teaching, and instruction based on the students and classroom teachers’ needs.
Desert Sage Continuum of Gifted Services 1st & 2nd Grades Gifted Cluster Classrooms with gifted -trained teachers Flexible skills grouping 3rd Gifted Cluster Classrooms with gifted -trained teacher SAGE English Language Arts Project Based Learning and Intervention for math students 4th Grade Departmentalized Middle School Model Acceleration in 5th Math Class SAGE English Language Arts Project Based Learning and Intervention for math students 5th Grade Departmentalized Middle School Model Acceleration in 6th Math Class SAGE English Language Arts Project Based Learning and Intervention for math students 6th Grade Departmentalized Middle School Model SAGE English Language Arts and 7th Grade Math
Math in 4 th and 5 th Grade Students identified as Gifted in math and who have demonstrated grade level content mastery in math will be placed and clustered together in the next grade level’s math class. Gifted Services Coordinator will work with the Math teacher to provide opportunities for remediation, enrichment and project-based learning opportunities. Gifted Services Coordinator will monitor grades to provide any additional support during PBL/Intervention time. Students will receive 90 minutes of Advanced Math instead of 45 minutes of SAGE Math and 45 minutes of Grade-Level Math.
Math for 6 th Grade Students will receive 90 minutes of 7 th Grade Math instruction from the Gifted Services Teacher. Students will complete projects in math class.
Let’s Meet the Teachers! TBD – 1 st grade Mrs. Aley 2 nd grade Mr. Brothers 3 rd grade Mrs. Bise 4 th grade (Math) Mrs. Pappalau 5 th grade (Math) Mrs. Floyd 6 th grade (Math) Mrs. Moore 3/4 SAGE ELA, 5/6 SAGE ELA, 7 th SAGE Math
What do we need from you? Parents who: Support encourage their child’s interests Provide a wide variety of reading materials and model reading Have limits; allow children the freedom to make acceptable choices within those limits Avoid over protecting their child, allow consequences Provide opportunities for physical activity and creative arts Avoid pressuring their child to perform for the parents or live their dreams through them Value their child for who they ARE not what they DO
In Conclusion We will be refining our program and make improvements throughout the year. We are here for any questions! Thank you!
Parent Resources: Websites (Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented) Resource for providing information and guidance to parents, teachers, administrators, counselors and legislators to develop and support gifted education in Arizona. (National Association of Gifted Children) Resource for teachers, parents, administrators and policy makers on how to develop and support gifted children. Resources for parents of gifted children, including articles and research, books, organizations, on-line support groups, and academic programs Publisher of books on language and arts, mathematics, parents as teachers, writing resources, literature-based reading, etc. Social and emotional needs of gifted children The Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children Center provides information, support and networking for parents of highly gifted children Mensa International Society A variety of parent, student, and teacher resources from the University of Connecticut
Parent Resources: Magazines Gifted Children Monthly The Gifted Child Today Parenting for High Potential Understanding Our Gifted Gifted Education Communicator (from California Assoc. for Gifted Children)
Parent Resources: Books The Gifted Kids’ Survival Guide, J. Galbraith, Free Spirit Publishing The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids, S.Y. Walker, Free Spirit Publishing Parent’s Guide to Raising a Gifted Toddler: Recognizing and Developing the Potential of Your Child from Birth to Five Years, J. Alvino, Little, Brown & Co. Publishers Counseling the Gifted and Talented, L. Silverman, editor, Love Publishing Co. Guiding the Gifted Child, Webb, Meckstroth, and Tolan, Ohio Psychology Publishing