Yulia A. Strekalova, MBA Associate Director of Research Programs
Identify main research resources at UF Provide an overview of the grant submission process Review services provided by the Peds Grants team
More than $619 million in research awards in More than $750 million in new research facilities, including the Nanoscale Research Facility, the Emerging Pathogens Institute, the Biomedical Sciences Building and the Clinical and Translational Research Building. Strong research collaborations with Scripps Florida, the Burnham Institute for Medical Research and the Moffitt Cancer Center. UF’s McKnight Brain Institute is home to more than 300 faculty using some of the world’s most powerful MRI imaging systems. UF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute is one of only 60 the National Institutes of Health is funding across the country. UF’s Emerging Pathogens Institute is a national model for using interdisciplinary research methods to identify, prevent and treat human, animal and plant pathogens.
Research Support › Literature searches (HSC Library: personalized consultations and search strategies) › Study design (“can help refining your objectives into testable hypotheses, choosing a study design, providing you with a data analysis plan, and completing a sample size/power analysis”) › REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) application
Clinical Research › CRC (7 IP/OP rooms, specialized equipment, nursing support) › HealthStreet (connecting community residents to opportunities in research) Laboratory Services › Biorepository › Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Core Training for Fellows › MS in Clinical Translational Science › Certificate in Translational Health Science › Advanced Program in Clinical Investigation
McKnight Brain Institute (MBI) UF Genetics Institute UF&Shands Cancer Center Institute on Aging Emerging Pathogens Institute
Past sessions › Beyond p=.05: Evaluating Methods and Results Developing a Grant Proposal: Necessary Steps Along the Way › Introduction to Searching Techniques and PubMed › Writing Effectively for Medical Journals
NIH proposals will be evaluated for "text- recycling" Searches files drawn from the Internet, 26,000,000 published research articles, 80 global scientific, technical and medical publishers, more than 1 million abstracts and citations from PubMed, and more…
Faculty & staff composition Faculty 138 Joint/Affiliate 66 Education/Research Fellows 90 After-Hours Faculty 34 Staff 419 Total 747 Funded research projects New projects (last 12 months)69 Ongoing federal20 Ongoing industry17 Ongoing other35 Total 157
Cellular and Molecular Therapy Critical Care Medicine (PICU) Endocrinology Early Steps Family Data Center Gastroenterology General Pediatrics Genetics and Metabolism Hematology and Oncology Hospital Medicine Immunology, Rheumatology and Infectious Disease Neonatology (NICU) Nephrology Neurology Ped-I-Care Pulmonary
Proposal is › Scope, Aims, Methods, Results, Research Plan, Budget Justification Proposal submission is › DSR, RAC, IRB, CRC, CnG, DUNS number, Congressional district, Authorized official, PeopleSoft number, College approvals, etc.
ASAP Notify Grants Office about the proposal idea peds- ufl.edu 6 W EEKS BEFORE DEADLINE Prepare Aims and Scope Send to Grants Office to initiate proposal 4 W EEKS BEFORE DEADLINE Complete budget informaton and justification Send to Grants Office to compile a budget 2 W EEKS BEFORE DEADLINE Finalize full proposal Send to collaborators for comments 5 Business days before deadline Finalize proposal Send to Grants Office for institutional approvals and submission
CATCH grants › AMA Seed Grant Research › foundation/our-programs/medical-education/seed-grant- research.page UF&Shands Q proposal (Quality Improvement Campaign). › NIH F32 or K-series › areermd.aspx › preparation.ppt APA Resident Investigator Award; ward.cfm