UCF Human Resources – Records Sign-inTrainingSign-inTraining HR-Records 12/03/2014
UCF Human Resources – Records Sign-In Procedure: Objectives Define types of new employees Identify required new employee documents Explain proper completion of documents
UCF Human Resources – Records Sign-In Procedure: Objectives Define types of new employees Identify required new employee documents Explain proper completion of documents
UCF Human Resources – Records Types of Employees Brand New Line Employees Brand New OPS (Other Personnel Services) Employees OPS to Line Employees Rehires
UCF Human Resources – Records Line Employees Administrative & Professional (A&P) Position that is exempt from overtime.Position that is exempt from overtime. Executive ServiceExecutive Service Faculty (FAC) Position that is exempt from overtime.Position that is exempt from overtime. University Support Personnel System (USPS) Position that is either exempt or non-exempt from overtime.Position that is either exempt or non-exempt from overtime. Post-Doctoral Associates (Post-Doc) Contract employee that is eligible for limited benefits.Contract employee that is eligible for limited benefits.
UCF Human Resources – Records OPS Employees Undergraduate Students (OPSSTU) Temporary jobs that are either subject or exempt from FICA taxes.Temporary jobs that are either subject or exempt from FICA taxes. Federal Work Study or Non-Work Study.Federal Work Study or Non-Work Study. Graduate Students (OPSGRD, 918#) Contracted ( )or hourly (OPSGRD) temporary jobs.Contracted ( )or hourly (OPSGRD) temporary jobs. OPS Non-Students Temporary employees with a non-student job code.Temporary employees with a non-student job code. Adjuncts Temporary employees in an adjunct job code.Temporary employees in an adjunct job code.
UCF Human Resources – Records Other Employee Types OPS to Line (Employees moving from an OPS job to a line position) Student to Non-Student (Employees moving from a student job code to a non-student job code.) Rehires (Employees who previously worked at UCF, and are being rehired into any type of position at UCF)
UCF Human Resources – Records International Employees All international employees must be sent to the International Service Center (ISC) before being hired. Includes any employees who are NOT U.S. citizens, naturalized citizens, or permanent residents. International employees cannot begin work until the department or college receives approval from ISC. ISC completes all hiring paperwork for international employees.
UCF Human Resources – Records Sign-In Paperwork Hire Sign-In Paperwork (in addition to a hire ePAF) must be submitted to put all new UCF employees and all UCF employees who have been separated from UCF for more than 12 calendar months. For employees separated from UCF for less than one semester, rehire sign-in paperwork is not required. Only a hire ePAF (and contract if applicable). Rehire sign-in paperwork (in addition to a hire ePAF) must be submitted for employees separated from UCF for over one semester (or 120 days). OPS to Line Sign-In Paperwork (in addition to a hire ePAF) must be submitted.
UCF Human Resources – Records Sign-In Paperwork Requirements Sign-in Paperwork Type Employee Type HireRehireOPS to Line Student to Non- Student No Sign-in Paperwork Line to OPS New Hire to UCFX Employee has been off of Payroll for over a year. X Employee has been off of Payroll for over 1 semester (or equivalent to more than 120 days) but less than a year. X Employee has been off of Payroll for less than a semester or equivalent to less than 120 days. X ( ePAF and applicable contract only Active OPS Employee going into a Line Position X Active Student Employee transitioning to an OPS Hourly Non- Student Job Code X Active Student Employee transitioning to an Adjunct X Active Line Employee transitioning to OPS Hourly Non-Student or Adjunct X
UCF Human Resources – Records Sign-In Paperwork Checklist Sign-In Paperwork checklists per employee group are also found on the HR website.HR website
UCF Human Resources – Records Submitting Sign-In Paperwork Hire/Rehire Sign-In paperwork (excluding the Direct Deposit and W-4 Form) must be attached to the ePAF in the format of HR_HIRE_Emplid_Name The Direct Deposit and W-4 Form must be faxed to your Records Point of Contact at using the cover sheet, Direct-Deposits-W-4-Forms.pdf Direct-Deposits-W-4-Forms.pdf For more information, please review the attachment guidelines. attachment guidelines
UCF Human Resources – Records 3-in-1 Form Oath of Loyalty to the State of Florida, as required by Florida State Statute. Notice of Public Office position. Notice of Social Security Number usage Notice of UCF Regulations and Policies
UCF Human Resources – Records 3-in-1 Form Errors Notary’s commission has expired. Notary’s commission has expired. Public Officers section is not completed or both boxes are marked. Public Officers section is not completed or both boxes are marked. The Social Security Number Collection and Usage Acknowledgment box is not marked. The Social Security Number Collection and Usage Acknowledgment box is not marked. The UCF Regulations and Policies box is not initialed. The UCF Regulations and Policies box is not initialed. Illegible Notary Stamp. Illegible Notary Stamp. Notary uses a seal (seal not used in state of Florida). Notary uses a seal (seal not used in state of Florida). Whiteout negates the form. Whiteout negates the form.
UCF Human Resources – Records Copy of Background Check A copy of the background must be included in the sign-in paperwork for OPS Non-Students, Adjuncts, Graduate Assistantship Appointees, OPS Grad Hourly, Post-Doctoral Associates, and Faculty. For additional information regarding background checks, please see managers/interviewing-and-hiring/background-checks/. managers/interviewing-and-hiring/background-checks/
UCF Human Resources – Records Agreements Required for all employees except USPS and OPS hourly. Faculty Agreements are issued by Academic Affairs Administration. A&P and Executive Service Agreements are issued by Compensation. Post-Doctoral Associate, adjunct, and graduate student agreements are completed at the department level.
UCF Human Resources – Records SSA-1945 Required for OPS Non- Students, Adjuncts, and Post-Docs. Notice the employee is being entered into the FAPLAN plan. Form must be submitted with Hire Sign-In paperwork.
UCF Human Resources – Records Direct Deposit Authorization Form Sets up direct deposit for employee. Direct Deposit is a condition of employment. Employee must fill in banking information regardless of documentation provided. If checking account is used, the employee must submit a voided check, or a letter from the employee’s bank, signed by a banking official, stating the routing and checking account number.
UCF Human Resources – Records Missing voided check or letter from bank.Missing voided check or letter from bank. Employee attempts to deposit money in money market account.Employee attempts to deposit money in money market account. Incorrect transit routing number provided when the savings account option is selected.Incorrect transit routing number provided when the savings account option is selected. Employee attempts to select more than 3 accounts for deposits.Employee attempts to select more than 3 accounts for deposits. International box not marked.International box not marked. Common Errors
UCF Human Resources – Records Employee Acknowledgement Required for all employees to complete. Employee signs that they understand Worker’s Compensation procedures. Department representative also signs form. Provided by AmeriSys.
UCF Human Resources – Records Electronic I-9 If you will be completing I-9 Forms, you must attend the Electronic I-9 Training and complete the Electronic I-9 Security Access form.Electronic I-9 Security Access form Available Sessions: Course Number: REC 001 (online) Contact Aubrey Jayanama with questions. For more information, please see the HR Website.HR Website
UCF Human Resources – Records Electronic I-9 Form Required by the Department of Homeland Security. Establishes new employee’s identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Employer is subject to fines for mistakes. Human Resources can not make any corrections to the form.
UCF Human Resources – Records Electronic I-9 Form A Social Security Card containing a disclaimer cannot be used as a List C document. (Disclaimers include:Not Valid for Employment or Valid For Work Only with DHS Authorization) Section 1 must be completed before or on the employee’s first day of work. Section 2 must be completed before or within 3 business days of the employee’s first day of work.
UCF Human Resources – Records Orientation Notice Schedules line employee for New Employee Orientation. New Employee Orientation held every other Friday, on paydays. Employee signs that they acknowledge certain terms of employment. Due in HR no later than 5 p.m. on the Tuesday of the week of the scheduled Orientation.
UCF Human Resources – Records Personal Data Sheet Employee fills out in its entirety to ensure that his or her personal information, such as address and phone number, is passed on to the University. Allows employee to claim exemption from Florida Statute, Chapter 119. Indicates employment of relative. Future updates can be made by the employee through PeopleSoft Self-Service at
UCF Human Resources – Records All PDS’s require a physical address. P.O. Boxes are not permitted in the Home Address field.All PDS’s require a physical address. P.O. Boxes are not permitted in the Home Address field. Employees fail to answer the Public Records question.Employees fail to answer the Public Records question. Department fails to acknowledge employment of relatives when indicated.Department fails to acknowledge employment of relatives when indicated. Common Errors
UCF Human Resources – Records Retirement Status Notification Form Required for all employees to complete (yes, even students). Notice of retirement
UCF Human Resources – Records W-4 Form Sets up employee’s tax withholdings. Middle portion of first page and all of second page are calculators for the employee’s use (if needed). Bottom portion of first page must be filled in by employee.
UCF Human Resources – Records Employee tries to claim allowances, and claim exemption from taxes. Employee cannot claim both.Employee tries to claim allowances, and claim exemption from taxes. Employee cannot claim both. Obsolete versions of the form submitted.Obsolete versions of the form submitted. Physical address required.Physical address required. Marital status not completed.Marital status not completed. Bottom portion of form not completed.Bottom portion of form not completed. Whiteout was used to make a correction.Whiteout was used to make a correction. Common Errors
UCF Human Resources – Records Must be provided to all new hires.Must be provided to all new hires. Employee keeps the document and is not submitted with the hire sign-in paperwork. Health Insurance Marketplace Notice
UCF Human Resources – Records Definition of Relative for Employment Purposes Anyone related to an employee. Person whom the employee intends to marry. Employee intends to form a domestic partnership or other intimate relationship.
UCF Human Resources – Records Employment of Relative Form Submit to Human Resources for USPS, A&P, OPS hourly students/non-students. Submit to Faculty Relations for faculty, adjuncts, post-doctoral associates, and teaching/research undergraduate/graduate students.
UCF Human Resources – Records Notice of Drug-Free Schools and Drug-Free Workplace Policy Form given to all employees when hired. Is kept by the employee and is not submitted with the hire packet.
UCF Human Resources – Records Additional Resources Human Resources Website ( Navigate to Managers & HR Liaisons-Records- Employee Sign-in Paperwork