Instituto Career Pathways and Center for Working Families Integration Model: Braiding Resources for Success and Sustainability Yesenia Cervantes Director for Center for Working Families
Agency Mission Established in 1977 Our mission is to contribute to the fullest development of Latino immigrants and their families through education, training and employment that fosters full participation in the changing United States society while preserving cultural dignity and identity. 2
Instituto’s Approach Training Programs 1.Carreras en Salud 2.Manufacturing Training 3.Computer Information Technology 4.Youth Development 5.Adult Education a.Spanish Literacy 3 Service Programs 1. Manufacturing Works 2. Center for Working Families a. Mujer Avanzando 3. Citizenship 4. AmeriCorps
Instituto Demographics 4 AVERAGE AGE Adult Programs40 years old Youth Programs15 years old GENDER BREAKDOWN Males44% Females56% ETHNICITY Latino /Hispanic 75% Non-Latino/Non- Hispanic 25% National Average Family Size Illinois Average Family Size Instituto Participant Average Family Size PY 2013 we serviced 8,815 families
Instituto Educational Model From Learning to Knowledge Social Emotional Evaluation Placement Academic Leveling Deep Learning Contextualization Relevance Peripheral learning Internships Understanding KNOWLEDGE Dr. Ricardo A Estrada Instituto Del Progreso Latino 2008 Non-traditional testing Tutoring Conventional Testing Readiness to Learn Recreational New Concepts Praxis Epistemology Economic CWF School of Psychology Academic Learning Cente r 5
Center for Working Families (CWF) WHO WE ARE: We are an institutionalize office (in progress) that provides services, tools and resources for all people at all times. OUR GOAL: Assist people to achieve their highest academic and financial potential! Asset Building! Wealth Creation! SERVICE DELIVERY: One on One & Group Sessions SERVICE PROVISION METHODOLOGY: COACHING Coaching is all about supporting our participants to self discover, recover and make real their dreams and aspirations 5 CORE SERVICES: (1)Career Exploration (2)Job Placement and Job Readiness (3)Access to Public Benefits and Healthcare Insurance (4)Financial education and counseling (5)Digital Literacy 6
The Center for Working Families 7 Our Goal: To assist participants become self-sufficient through 5 main core services! Asset Building Educate and coach participants on various financial needs and setting up short and long term financial goals. Career Advancement Career Advancement Assist and coach participants in career development. Set short term and long term career advancement. Income Supports Assist participants to identify and apply for public benefits as well as advocate for them to obtain benefits in a timely manner. Self-Sufficiency Achievement Highest academic Financial potential! Asset Building! Wealth Creation! Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) Database Assist and coach participants to find employment and long term careers in growing industries! Job Placement Assist and facilitate classes for participants to become digitally competent Digital Literacy
ESL Health Context IDPL/ VESL CNA context IDPL CNA HPVEC Pre LPN A Math PC1 ENG-98 Pre LPN B MATH PC1, ENG 100 LPN Wright College RN Wright College 16 weeks 12 months “Carreras en Salud” Model Prepared by Dr. Ricardo A. Estrada Vice President for Education Instituto Del Progreso Latino 16 weeks 4 BIOs, Math ENG 101, 1 2 months ENG Grade level Pre LPN-A or CNA ENG Grade level 8- 10, CNA 16 weeks ESL Grade level 6th GED, Compass test NCLEX-PN NCLEX_RN $ 9-11 $ $ All pre-requisites CMA Certified Medical Assistant AHC $25-31 License Practical Nurse THE CARRERAS EN SALUD PATHWAY MODEL 18 MONTHS BSN NIU PCT IDPL- HPVEC 8
Braided Resources between Center for Working Families and Career Pathways: Outputs 9 1.Centralizing organization client/participant Master Intake Process: Data for evidence-based research 2.Centralization of TABE Testing: resource effective across organization – shared responsibilities 3.Participants begin Career Pathways Programs with Products: a.Credit report b.Initial budgeting overview and beginning of financial plan c.Information and guidance on Public Benefit such as SNAP, SSI, and Affordable Care Act d.A “working” resume template e.Access to grant/ resource information 4.Career Development certificate is completed within 1 st module with leveraged program services by Career Pathways 5.Customer Service Certification 6.OSHA Certificate 7.Individual Employment Plan
CWF-CES Braiding Resources for Success and Sustainability! CES Program Orientation CWF Orientation and TABE testing CWF Intake and Enrollment (5 initial appointments) CES Program Enrollment CES Pathway CES Completion CWF Continues Support 10 CWF Coaching and Follow-up
OUTCOME: Student Support Team 1. Intake Specialist (CBO) 2. Career Coach (CBO) 3. Academic Advisor (college and CBO) 4. College Navigator 5. Case Manager (CBO) 6. Employment Specialist (CBO) 7. Financial Coach (CBO) 8. Public Benefits Coach – Income Support (CBO) 9. Information Technology Coach (College and CBO) 10. Pre-college Basic Skill contextualized Tutor, (CBO) 11. College Tutor ( College and CBO) 12. College non traditional tutoring (Nursing) (CBO) 13. Social and Emotional resources ( Psychological Counseling) out source 14. Family Interventionist Specialist 15. Assessment Specialist (data, evaluation and research) 11
CWF Outcomes
Training Certificates and Degrees 13 Manufacturing Training 30 New MSSC Level 4 Certificates [Annual Goal = 16] Carreras en Salud 65 New Certified Nursing Assistants [Annual Goal = 50]18 New License Practical Nurses [Annual Goal = 23]11 New Registered Nurses [Annual Goal = 11] 21 New G.E.D. Certificates [Annual Goal = 25] 16 New Associate’s Degree [Annual Goal = 12] Adult Education 27 New MSSC Level 3 Certificates [Annual Goal = 18] 33 New MSSC Level 2 Certificates [Annual Goal = 20] 33 New MSSC Level 1 Certificates [Annual Goal = 22] Computer Information Technology 7 New Medical Billing & Coding Certificates [Annual Goal = 9]
Partners Tax Services – Center for Economic Progress Domestic Violence – Mujeres Latinas en Acción Healthcare – Alivio Medical Center Manufacturing Careers – ManufacturingWorks Vocational Schools – City Colleges of Chicago Industry Associations – Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council Local Initiative Support Corporation – AmeriCorps 14
THANK-YOU! ¡GRACIAS! Yesenia Cervantes 773) ext Instituto website: