Introduction to Health Careers There are well over 250 different health care careers. Understanding career pathways can help you in understanding the unique characteristics of different careers.
For Most Healthcare Careers You Will Need a College Degree - Types of Degrees: Technical College - can prepare students for immediate employment in some health careers such as EMT and medical assistant. Associate’s Degree- two year course study- which is awarded from a vocational-technical school or community college. Bachelor’s Degree- four year course study- which is awarded from a college or university.
College Degrees Master’s Degree - usually 5 to 6 years – awarded through a college or university Doctorate or doctor’s degree- usually 8 or more years - awarded through a college or university
Healthcare Pathways There are five different career pathways for healthcare: Therapeutic Diagnostic Health Informatics Environmental Biotechnology Each pathway offers multiple career options.
Therapeutic Career Pathway The therapeutic careers are directed towards improving the health status of a patient. “Therapeutic” means providing treatment, or care.
Therapeutic Pathway: Dental Careers Dentist (DMD or DDS)- Doctorate degree required Repairs diseased and injured teeth, gums and oral tissues. Educates patients about oral health. Corrects facial and dental deformities from accidents or birth defects. Manages and supervises staff.
Therapeutic Pathway: Dental Careers Dental Assistant (CDA or DA)- degree not required, but preferred (Associate’s); certification usually required to find work Greets patient and prepares them for examinations. Takes patients’ histories and develops x-rays. Sterilizes instruments and passes them to dentist during exams and treatment. Makes teeth impressions and instructs patients on oral care. Maintains patients’ records.
Therapeutic Pathway: Dental Careers Dental Hygienist (LDH or DH)- Associate’s degree minimum, Bachelor’s preferred; may earn Master’s Examines teeth for cavities, removes plaque deposits, applies fluoride and sealants and puts in temporary fillings Does oral cancer screenings Takes x-rays, teaches patients about their oral health
Therapeutic Pathway: Certified Nursing Assistant- CNA Certificate from training program, no degree. Answers call lights, serves meals, measures and records vital signs. Helps patient with ADL (activities of daily living), such as bathing, eating, hygiene. Home health aids may also assist with medications and light housekeeping for the patient, and may help teach family members to care for the patient, under the supervision of physicians/RN’s.
Therapeutic Pathway: Licensed Practical Nurse - LPN Licensed Vocational Nurse -LVN Diploma from technical college, but not degree. Provides basic bedside care, takes vital signs, gives injections and medications. Changes dressings, evaluates patient’s needs, implements care plans, supervises nursing assistants. In an office: Makes appointments and keeps patient records, as well as initial patient check In-home care: Provides basic care under the supervision of physicians/RN’s.
Therapeutic Pathway: Registered Nurse – R.N. Associate’s Degree or higher. Interprets and responds to patients’ symptoms, reactions and progress. Teaches patient and family about proper health care, assists in rehabilitation, and provides emotional support to promote recovery. Gives meds and treatments. Works collaboratively with and under the direction of a physician. Supervises CNA’s & LPN’s.
Clinical Nurse Specialist- CRNS or CNS Master’s Degree or higher Specialize in a particular field, such as NICU, Operating Room, Oncology Work as researchers, consultants, or nurse managers Teach in a variety of health settings Provide direct care to patients
Nurse Anesthetist- CRNA Interviews patients to gather information on drug use, allergic reactions and family history. Cares for the patient pre-op, during operation, and post-op. Manages the patient’s airway, controls breathing, monitors vital signs and administers anesthesia. Works under the direction of an anesthesiologist (physician).
Nurse Midwife - CNM Provides care for normal, healthy women before, during, and after childbirth Spends time with mother to provide emotional and physical support during the birthing process, and assists in labor & delivery Helps in newborn care and counsels mothers on infant growth and future pregnancies
Nurse Practitioner – CRNP Diagnose and assess patients’ conditions and work in collaboration with physicians Conduct health screenings and physical exams Prescribe tests and educate patients about their conditions and preventive care Can prescribe medication Does not perform surgery
Medical Support – Athletic Trainer (ATC) Bachelor’s or Master’s degree; licensed Develops conditioning and nutrition program to help athletes prevent injuries Supervises the treatment and rehabilitation prescribed by physicians when injuries occur Skilled in First Aid & CPR. Acquires a broad knowledge of anatomy, physiology, nutrition and conditioning.
Medical Support Team Emergency Medical Technicians Technical school training, state certification, national registry EMT or Paramedics- respond to health care crises by driving ambulances, giving emergency care, and transporting patients to hospitals. Proceed with medical care under direction of a physician. Perform CPR, control bleeding, place splints on broken bones, administer First Aid. Respond to all types of emergencies, such as heart attacks, unexpected childbirth, car accidents, fires
Medical Support Team - Medical Assistants – CMA or RMA Certified and / or registered; no college degree Prepare patients for exams; take vital signs; assist with First Aid; collect and process specimens; and perform ordered tests Schedule appointments, prepare and maintain patients’ records, and arrange hospital admissions. Process insurance forms, keep financial records, may manage personnel, ordered supplies and equipment.
Medical Support Team - Certified Clinical Perfusionist Bachelor’s degree required Operates heart-lung machine during heart bypass and open heart surgery Monitors blood circulation during surgery and keeps the surgical team informed of patient’s condition Has a thorough knowledge of heart-lung equipment and must be able to make adjustments should abnormal conditions arise
Medical Support Team - Surgical Technologist Technical school program; certificate, diploma or Associate’s degree Preps the patient for surgery in O.R. Maintains the sterility of the operating room by helping the surgical staff scrub, dress, and put on gloves and gowns. During operation, operates lights, suction machines, and diagnostic equipment. Passes instruments, applies sterile dressings, and prepares specimens for the lab.
Medical Doctor (M.D.), a.k.a. Physician 4 years undergrad (pre-med); 4 years medical school, including internship; followed by residency After pre-med, must pass MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) to get into medical school Assesses patient, orders diagnostic tests, makes medical diagnoses, prescribes treatment including medications May specialize in a variety of areas, including surgery Can work in research to find new ways to diagnose, control and cure diseases. May own business and oversee personnel, payroll, business operations
Chiropractor Doctor of Chiropractic Doctorate degree, usually 8 years post – secondary; NOT a medical degree (M.D.) Consider the central nervous system the key to maintaining good health. Takes medical histories, performs orthopedic and neurological examinations, and other laboratory test. Uses water, light, ultrasound, or heat therapy to treat patients. Makes adjustments using their hands when a diagnosis involves the spinal column. Does not prescribe meds or perform surgery
Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) Osteopathic medical degree (8 years post- secondary), followed by 2 – 6 years residency for specialization. Stresses the musculoskeletal system’s role in disease, illness, and injury. Performs examinations to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries. Licensed to perform minor surgery and prescribe meds. Oversees the business- payroll, billing, human resources.
Podiatrist: Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Medical degree (8 years), followed by 3 year residency. Diagnose and treat disorders and diseases of the foot and lower leg. Prescribes drugs, orders physical therapy, and performs surgeries.
Physician Assistants-PA Master’s degree is “entry level”. Provides routine patient services traditionally performed by a physician. Interviews patient for medical histories, performs physical exams, gives injections, orders lab tests, treats wounds and refers patients to specialists prn. Works under the supervision of a doctor, usually as an employee, and presents clinical findings to him or her. Assists in hospital rounds, performing diagnostic procedures.
Occupational Therapist- OT Master’s degree required. Stimulate physical and psychological rehabilitation by teaching ADLs, such as dressing and eating,in order to restore independence and self worth. Help individuals compensate for their disabilities by teaching new job skills & adaption of current abilities. Designs splints, special devices, and adaptive equipment or technology to maintain independent living
Occupational Therapy Assistant -OTA Vocational school certificate program. Carry out program and activities planned by OT by helping individuals learn or relearn self-care and daily skills such as dressing and eating. Assist in educational, recreational, and vocational activities to restore independence and self-reliance. Assist the OT by participating in evaluations and reviews of patient progress.
Creative Arts and Recreation Therapist Master’s degree usually required. Plan and carry out treatment programs for people with physical mental, or social disabilities or individuals recovering from substance abuse and physical abuse. Use art, music, recreation, dance and horticulture therapy, to help patients relieve stress, express themselves and build self- confidence. Use motivational and creative programs to encourage behavior change, improve coordination, and increase social skills
Physical Therapist (PT) Master’s degree minimum. Helps patient face the challenges of recovery, such as an athlete needing to gain strength and flexibility, or an accident victim learning to use an artificial limb. Uses movement exercises, electrical stimulation, water, ultrasound, and massage to develop endurance, coordination, and muscle strength. Helps patient to overcome emotional and physical barriers that hinder recovery.
Physical Therapist Assistant- PTA Associate’s degree required. Teaches patient recovery exercises and implements treatment programs designed by a PT. Observe a patient’s progress and reports treatment responses to the PT.
Diagnostic Career Pathway Diagnosis is a statement of the current problem or condition. The diagnostic career involves determining the nature of the person’s diseases or disorders. Diagnosticians are involved in creating a picture of the health status of the client at a single point in time. Diagnostic Career Pathway Examples are: Radiological Technologist; Sonographer; Audiologist; Nuclear Medicine Technologist; Cardiovascular Technologist
Audiologist Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) degree required. Performs tests to determine the range and degree of hearing loss in a patient. Develops treatment programs so that patients can adapt to problems or have them corrected. Prescribe hearing aids. May teach a person to read lips. May make physician referrals prn.
Radiologic Technologist May require either a 2-year certificate program, a diploma program, an Associate’s degree, or Bachelor’s degree. Uses knowledge of radiation, equipment, and anatomy to produce an x-ray image with the correct detail and contrast. Gives patients chemical mixtures so that body organs will be visualized. Processes and evaluates film and educates patients on procedures while maintaining safety.
Diagnostic Sonographer Three types of programs available: one year certificate; Associate’s degree; Bachelor’s degree Explains procedures, positions patients, operates the ultrasound machine, and obtains medical images used for diagnosis. Keeps accurate records, including patient information, sonographic data, and visualized observations. Responsible for preliminary image interpretation.
Nuclear Medicine Technologist Three programs available: 1 – 2 year certificate program AFTER obtaining Bachelor’s of Science degree; Associate’s degree; Bachelor’s degree Uses radioactive materials to see organ images and internal body functions as they occur. Assists in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Calculates dosages and administers appropriate radioactive drugs under the direction of a physician. Documents the use and disposal of radioactive materials.
Cardiovascular Technologist Two year certicate program, or Associate’s degree. Performs examinations, such as heart catheterizations, to determine how well the heart and blood vessels function. Reports findings to cardiologist. Takes medical histories, draws blood samples and explains procedures.
Health Informatics Career Pathway Involved with documentation of patient records and health information. Vocational program lasting 1 or more years. Careers in this pathway include: Medical Records Technicians; Medical Transcriptionists; Unit Secretaries; Medical Billing; Hospital Operators; Computer Systems Analysts and Techs Primary tasks are documentation of patient care and communications. Duties will include working with computers, answering phones, coding patients’ charts, and general secretarial tasks.
Support (environmental) Services Career Pathway Involved with creating a therapeutic environment to provide direct or indirect patient care. Hospital Administrator: 5 year business degree; runs the business of the hospital. Central Supply: manager may have business degree; primary function is ordering and maintaining supplies in hospitals. Housekeeping Cafeteria Groundskeepers Maintenance
Biotechnology Research and Development Involved with using living cells and their molecules to make useful products such as medications, vaccines, and diagnostic tests. Bioengineer Biological Scientist Forensic Science Technician Places of employment include: pharmaceutical or chemical companies, research laboratories, colleges or universities, forensic laboratories