14/11/2013 NIHR Research Training Opportunities NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Dr James Fenton
National Institute of Health Research Established 2006 as a vehicle for implementing Government’s strategy for applied health research. Almost £1b spend each year. Strategic Aim To improve the health and wealth of the nation through research.
Infrastructure Clinical Research Facilities, Centres & Units Clinical Research Networks Research Research Projects & Programmes Research Management Systems Research Information Systems Systems Patients & Public Universities Investigators & Senior Investigators Associates Faculty Trainees Research Schools NHS Trusts The NIHR Health Research System
Investigators & Senior Investigators Associates Faculty Trainees The NIHR Health Research System “…outstanding individuals…”
NIHRTCC Research Career Pathways Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals Clinical Academic Training NIHR/HEE Masters in Clinical Research NIHR/HEE Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship NIHR/HEE Senior Clinical Lecturership NIHR/HEE Clinical Lectureship Methodologists Research Methods Programme NIHR Research Methods Fellowship and Internship NIHR Masters Studentship in Health Economics or Medical Statistics Level of Award Undergraduate Chair Senior/ Pre- Chair Post Doctoral (early to senior) Doctoral Pre Doctoral Doctors and Dentists NIHR Integrated Academic Training Programme NIHR Clinician Scientist Award NIHR In-Practice Fellowship NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship Healthcare Scientists Healthcare Science Programme NIHR/HEE HealthCare Science Doctoral Fellowship NIHR/HEE HealthCare Science Post-Doctoral Fellowship NIHR/HEE Senior Clinical Lecturership NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship NIHR Post- Doctoral Fellowship NIHR Career Development Fellowship NIHR Senior Research Fellowship NIHR Research Professorship NIHR Transitional Research Fellowship NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship All Professions NIHR Fellowships, Professorships, Other Awards NIHR Clinical Lectureship
NIHRTCC Research Career Pathways Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals Clinical Academic Training Methodologists Research Methods Programme Level of Award Undergraduate Chair Senior/ Pre- Chair Post Doctoral (early to senior) Doctoral Pre Doctoral Doctors and Dentists NIHR Integrated Academic Training Programme NIHR Clinician Scientist Award NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship Healthcare Scientists Healthcare Science Programme NIHR Research Professorship All Professions NIHR Fellowships, Professorships, Other Awards NIHR Clinical Lectureship
NIHR ACFClinical Training NIHR & others PhD Fellowships NIHR CL NIHR & others Clinician Scientist CCT Clinical Academics Clinicians Medical Clinical Academic Career Clinicians with Research PAs
Academic and clinical training For entrants to specialty training 25% academic research Support in making application for training fellowship leading to higher degree Up to 3 years (4 for GPs) £1000 bursaries Structured Research Training Programme (RTP) April £1000 for travel September 2009 –research training programme NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships
NIHR ACFClinical Training NIHR & others PhD Fellowships NIHR CL NIHR & others Clinician Scientist CCT Clinical Academics Clinicians Medical Clinical Academic Career Clinicians with Research PAs
After ACF- What next?
NIHR Fellowships Programme Salary Full tuition fees (for PhD) Research costs Full training and development Awards 3 years full time (part-time options of 75% or 60%) or up to 5 years for SRF Can be based at HEI or NHS Trust Annual competition for all levels Next launch – October 2013
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (NIHR PDF) Early post doctoral Fellowship (≤ 3 years WTE Post Doctorate) 3 years FT (4 or 5 years PT) Applicant: PhD/MD or have submitted Output from research Evidence of commitment to research career Doctoral training award 3 years FT (4 or 5 years PT) Applicant: Some previous research experience Some outputs from research Evidence of commitment to research career Doctoral Research Fellowship (NIHR DRF) NIHR Fellowships
Senior Research Fellowship (NIHR SRF) Most senior NIHR Fellowship 5 years ( Chair) Applicant: Significant postdoctoral experience Outstanding publication record Independence Leadership potential Record of research capacity development Later postdoctoral award (≤ 7 yrs WTE Post Doctorate) 3 years FT (4 or 5 years PT) Applicant: PhD/MD and postdoctoral experience Significant output from research Evidence of increasing independence Experience of developing research skills of others Career Development Fellowship (NIHR CDF) NIHR Fellowships
NIHR Fellowship Awards Doctoral Research Post Doctoral Career Development SeniorTransitionalTotal Round 1 ( Awarded 2008 ) 109 applied 12 awarded Round 2 ( Awarded 2009 ) Round 3 ( Awarded 2010) Round 4 ( Awarded 2011) Round 5 ( Awarded 2012 ) Round 6 ( Awarded 2013)
NIHR Fellowships – application numbers
AppliedAwardedSuccess Rate Round 2 (Awarded 2009) 18528% Round 3 (Awarded 2010) % Round 4 (Awarded 2011) 23835% Round 5 (Awarded 2012) 3439% NIHR ACFs for DRF Fellowships
NIHR Remit People and patient based applied health research Research capacity to improve health/healthcare Patients, samples or data from patients, people who are not patients, populations, health technology assessment, health services research and medical education Clearly demonstrate the potential to have an impact on the needs of patients and the public within 5 years of its completion No basic research or work involving animals and/or animal tissue
NIHR Remit - continued If the work involves biomarkers: - research that tests whether application of new knowledge can improve treatment or patient outcomes, and has obvious potential benefit within 5 years, is within remit; This might include application of known biomarkers, or other prognostic factors, to refine and test novel therapeutic strategies. - research that aims only to elucidate mechanisms underpinning disease, or identify risk factors for disease or prognosis (including search for biomarkers) is out of remit. NIHR is also prepared to support research into medical education.
Good Idea to..... Know the process and the remit: –Look at the website –Read the guidance –Contact the NIHR TCC with any queries Know your audience: –Look up previous award holders, panel members, topics ‘Peer review’ before you submit: –Supervisor, current awards holders, senior academics, colleagues etc.
New Online Application System To Apply follow the link to access application forms and supporting documentation:
Assessment Criteria Person –Trajectory –Career outputs Project (programme of research) –Scientific quality –Appropriate scale and scope Training and Development –Meets needs of candidate and project Place (host environment, supervisor, mentor) –RAE rating –Track record in relevant field –Time and commitment
The Application Preparation Consider all options Discuss with the office Develop the proposal well ahead of submission Talk to the NIHR Research Design Service Take Advice from: –Supervisor –Collaborators –Mentor –Methodologist (s) –Finance Lead
The Interview Practice –Mock interviews are usually the worst Presentation Not too many slides Do not go over time Behaviour It is OK to be nervous Confident but not over confident Don’t get defensive Admit what you don’t know and be happy to take advice Relax and be yourself
The Interview The project –Know it inside and out –Has anything altered since submission? –Know the methods and identify the expertise –Think through alternatives Training and Development Identify your training needs How will the training support your project and future career intentions? The future you Be clear where you want to be What does this fellowship mean to your career?
Common Weaknesses 1) Remit: Failure to show that research addresses important areas for the NHS and will produce results that are likely to generate significant and quantifiable benefit for NHS patients and/or the public within 5 years of the funding period. 2) Clarity & Details: Research questions not clear; don’t show the relevance of the aims and objectives; not enough detail and depth. 3) Overambitious: Research programme not suitable for a PostDoc; not achievable within time frame. 3) Applicant: Person not quite experienced enough for level they are applying (research outputs, independence, etc.); not your project 5) Training: Programme too generic and not suited/specific to the applicant’s needs and project; too centred around host organisation. 6) Value for Money: Budget unrealistic and/or failure to justify requested resources.
Academic and clinical training (ST3 and above) for those with a higher degree Available to qualified GPs and GDPs 50% academic research Support in making application for Clinician Scientist Award or similar Up to 4 years End point marked by CCT and substantial piece of post-doctoral research. £1000 bursaries Generally advertised by HEIs (March-March) NIHR Clinical Lectureships
Postdoctoral award open to StRs/SpRs/consultants -medics or dentist 5 years duration Applicants retain clinical duties appropriate for gaining CCT Up to 4 NHS clinical sessions a week post CCT Pays for salary, research costs and training Pays research assistant salary (3 years only) Applicant: PhD/MD (or have submitted) with good output from research Evidence of commitment to research career Expectation of ongoing employment at the end of award Launch annually (Round 13 - April 2013 Closing July 2013 ) NIHR Clinician Scientist Award
NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Leeds Innovation Centre 103 Clarendon Road Leeds LS2 9DF Tel: Fax: