Short term changes to the body When you exercise changes happen to the body to help it cope with the extra demands put upon it. What happens to the following body systems as you exercise? 1. Muscular 2. Respiratory 3. Circulatory
Short term changes to the body Muscular System The muscles work harder. Respiration increases in the muscle fibres to prepare extra energy. The muscles that contract squeeze the veins, which push blood back to the heart faster.
Short term changes to the body Respiratory System The lungs begin to breathe faster and deeper. They get rid of carbon dioxide and take in oxygen at a faster rate. Because the lungs work harder more oxygen reaches the muscles each minute and more carbon dioxide is removed.
Short term changes to the body Circulatory System The heart begins to beat faster to pump blood around the body faster. The arteries expand so that blood pressure does not get too high. Blood is moved from where there is less need for it to the areas that are working e.g. from the stomach to the legs. The increase in respiration produces heat so that blood is heated up. Therefore it is moved closer to the skin to cool it which causes reddening.
Long Term Changes To The Body If you exercise on a regular basis further changes will happen to your body systems. What happens to the following body systems if you exercise regularly? 1. Muscular 2. Respiratory 3. Circulatory 4. Skeletal
Long Term Changes To The Body Muscular System Muscles become stronger. Muscles become bigger. Muscles are able to work for longer without tiring. Tendons become stronger. Respiratory system Gaseous exchange becomes more efficient. Tidal volume (how much we are able to breathe in and out on each breath) increases. Lung capacity increases.
Long Term Changes To The Body Circulatory system The heart becomes bigger The heart becomes stronger. The heart is able to pump more blood with each beat. As a result heart rate at rest decreases. There is increased capilliarisation at muscle and at alveoli. Skeletal system Bones become stronger. Joints become more mobile. Ligaments become stronger.