Aim: To understand the relationship and conflicts between aims, missions, objectives and strategies. Objectives: Discuss the aims and objectives of various businesses. Describe the stakeholders affected by strategic decision making. Debate the conflicts of interest surrounding strategic decision making. Analyse and evaluate measures of strategic development.
Discuss the aims, objectives, mission statements and strategies of our businesses.
Firm Shareholders Employees Managers Investors Society Local Residents Government
Expect business to maximise profits, to get best return on investment. Shareholders Expect promotion, status and financial reward opportunities. Managers Higher pay rewards. Employees Value for money, competition, quality Customers Regular increasing purchases Suppliers High tax revenue, legal compliance. Government Healthy balance sheet Investors Responsible attitude from businesses towards the environment, and ethical issues. Society
Government Discourage moves overseas, which create unemployment Support training and development in UK Offer incentive for investments Customers Pressurise business to improve its ethical responsibility. Creditors/ Investors Investors need assurance of a good financial return. Creditors want to be paid on time. Society Media Pressure Groups