Women’s Offices: Sustainability Challenges Dr. Daphne Phillips Former Minister of Gender Affairs ( ) Trinidad and Tobago
New Programs, Policies and Projects Created / Initiated Ministry of Gender Affairs Trinidad and Tobago
New Programs/Projects 1. Instituted a National Domestic Violence Hotline with 24 hours/7 days per week service - August 1996 to December 2001.
New Programs/Projects 2. Created a National Domestic Violence Unit within the Division of Gender Affairs dedicated to the prevention, proactive community-based activities, public awareness, legal reform and all matters relating to gender violence. This was fully operational from June 1997 to December 2001
New Programs/Projects 3. Women’s Second Chances Project Started (three month) skills training and employment project for women in 1998 in areas of Agriculture, Elderly Care and Homework Centres
New Programs/Projects 4. Non-Traditional Skills Training for Women Created a Pilot project for the training of women in skills not traditionally undertaken by women, such as woodwork /carpentry, and construction skills.
New Programs/Projects Male Support Programme within the Domestic Violence Unit This programme started in 1997 with a focus on men for one week annually. In 1999 a month or activities was devoted to men and by the end of 1999 a full year round cabinet approved and funded programme commenced. This continued to 2001.
New Programs/Projects Promoted a pilot programme for Community-based Drop-in Counselling Centres and Information Stations was launched in May/June, Twenty-three of these centres were opened in 1999 and remained fully functional to 2001
New Programs/Projects Created the Women’s Leadership and Enhancement Institute, which operated from the Ministry from1999 to 2001.
New Programs/Projects Developed a system for the Restructuring of the Social Services Delivery System in Trinidad and Tobago (2001).
Social Policy Administered the commencement of national policies in the following areas: A National Gender Policy A National Policy on Domestic Violence
New Legislation Presented new legislation in the following areas: The Domestic Violence Act (reformed) - Act 30 of 1999 The Sexual Harassment Bill (preliminary work commenced 2000)
New legislation Contributed to legislation on: The Maternity Act 1998 The Legal Aid Amendment Act 1998 The Minimum Wages Act 1999 The Co-habitation Act 1999 The Attachment to Earnings Act 1999 The Equal Opportunities Act 2000
Analysis of Sustainability of Programs and Projects It appears (from the above table) that programs and projects that have wide public appeal, or to which foreign funding had been committed were sustained.
Analysis of Sustainability of Programs and Projects Projects which contributed directly to women’s empowerment were discontinued.
Analysis of Sustainability of Programs and Projects Projects which contributed to women’s support, especially in domestic violence situations, either directly through the counseling centers, or indirectly, through the male support program, were not sustained.
Sustainability Prospects of National Policies and Legislation It does appear in the Trinidad and Tobago case that social policy and legislation which benefit women are likely to be sustained if/when put in place by a conscious and gender sensitive leadership
Sustainability Prospects of National Policies and Legislation However, the factor of social class affects the probability with which women are likely to benefit from empowering or progressive legislation. Poor women continue to be vulnerable and seem unable to take advantage of such legislation. For them, programs and projects are most useful.
Sustainability Prospects of National Policies and Legislation In general, policies and legislation have greater sustainable prospects than projects and policies. However, poor women benefit more from projects and programs.