POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Transparencies 2003 EU-funded Urban Transport Research Project Results www.eu-portal.net TRANSPORT TEACHING MATERIAL.


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Presentation transcript:

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Transparencies 2003 EU-funded Urban Transport Research Project Results TRANSPORT TEACHING MATERIAL

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW: FROM THE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS TO THE IMPLEMENTATION IN LOCAL OR REGIONAL TRANSPORT POLICY Policy formulation in transport planning Strategic planning process Transport policy formulation General concept of measures Transport masterplan Planning process of the allocated measures Design of the measures Concept of implementation - Information - Awareness raising Implementation process Realised / implemented measures Evaluation of success, quality control Implementation of transport measures Key topicsSteps of the processOutput Decision Political Decision Political BOKU-ITS

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE/CONTENTS OF POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Transport Planning Policy Formulation  Planning process  Goals of policy formulation  Problem analysis  Development of scenarios  etc. Implementation  Realisation of defined measures / plans  Paying attention to social & political acceptability  Quality control  etc. Scenario technique Participation process Awareness raising Participation process Project management etc. Tools for Implementation Tools for Policy Formulation etc. BOKU-ITS

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION TRANSPORT POLICY FORMULATION Trend Development Current Situation Vision of a Desirable Future Current Development (Drawing: DIETIKER, LOOSER 1985)

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Possible Future Scenario “Car Friendly City” Possible Future Scenario “Trend” Possible Future Scenario “Soft Mobility” Possible Future Scenario “Environmentally Friendly Transport System” Current Development (Drawing DIETIKER, LOOSER 1985) WHICH SCENARIO DO WE WANT TO FOLLOW? WHAT IS THE ”RIGHT” POLICY FORMULATION FOR OUR REGION OR CITY?

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ALTERNATIVES AND SCENARIOS – DEFINED INDICATORS Defined indicators Determination of the defined indicators under the conditions / measures of each scenario / alternative Comparison of the impacts / indicators of each scenario with the defined goals  Evaluation Description of each scenario by the indicators Ranking of scenarios depending on the fulfilment of the goals (BOKU-ITS; adapted from RVS 2.1, 1984)

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ACCEPTABILITY vs. EFFICIENCY OF FUEL SAVING MEASURES Range of Saving (% with respect to reference) Fuel saving vs. Public acceptability of measures Acceptability (% of acceptance, citizens) Road pricing Park pricing Fuel + 50% Traffic calming Pedestrianisation & bicycle lanes Bus priority Reduce bus fares & new PT-supply EU-PROJECT REFLEX

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION FUEL SAVINGS OF THE ER (ENERGY CONSUMPTION REDUCING) – PACKAGES EXAMPLE WIENER NEUSTADT/AUSTRIA Ib/ Fuel-tax + 100% X/ All measures Ib/ Fuel-tax + 50% IVb/ Non-motorised traffic Vb/ Parking management II/ Vehicle Tax Va/ Parking management IX/ Transport masterplan IVa/ Non-motorised traffic VIII/ PT-priority+ III/ Speed limit VI/ PT-priority VII/ Through ticketing t/a (-24.1%) 1018t/a (-16.1%) 784t/a (-12.4%) 268t/a (-4.2%) 258t/a (-4.1%) 192t/a (-3.0%) 174t/a (-2.7%) 164t/a (-2.6%) 134t/a (-2.1%) 100t/a (-1.6%) 68t/a (-1.1%) 62t/a (-1.0%) 36t/a (-0.6%) Fuel-saving in ton per year (1996) EU-PROJECT REFLEX

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION REASONS FOR DEFICIENCIES IN IMPLEMENTATION Insufficient awareness of the problem among decision makers Insufficient persuasive power of traffic experts Too little acceptance by authorities and the public No awareness of the problems among media representatives Gap between attitudes and real behaviour of transport users (attitudes are dominated by social values, personal behaviour is dominated by personal interests) Lack of acceptance for unpopular, but necessary measures / transport policies for an environmentally friendly and sustainable transport development

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES OF MEASURES/INSTRUMENTS OF TRANSPORT POLICY (1) Investment & Services Transport infrastructure network Co-ordination of different transport modes Transport system operation Rationalisation of PT etc. Planning Improvement of the PT network Combination of environmentally friendly transport modes Co-ordination of transport planning with urban development etc. Information & Information Policies Information & awareness campaigns Mobility management etc. EU-PROJECT TRANSLAND

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES OF MEASURES/ INSTRUMENTS OF TRANSPORT POLICY (2) Regulation Access restrictions for motorised traffic Parking space management Parking licenses linked to car ownership Speed limits Traffic calming Vehicle manufacturing & emission standards Pricing Subsidies Restrictive pricing policies – vehicle tax, fuel tax, parking charges, road pricing, impact fees etc. EU-PROJECT TRANSLAND

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLE: ACCEPTABILITY OF TDM-MEASURES BY TRANSPORT USERS IN SIX EUROPEAN CITIES 19,2 15,6 16,5 14,3 9,4 95,9 92,0 59,1 43,7 0,020,040,060,080,0100,0120,0 Reducing parking space Increasing parking cost Cordon Pricing Congestion Pricing Distance based Pricing Improve Public Transport Park & Ride Access Restriction 1) Package Approach Acceptability of TDM- measures by the population [%]  Low acceptability (approval rate) for restrictive measures for car traffic  High acceptability for promoting measures of alternative modes 1) Transport pricing package. In: TRANSPRICE report – Public Acceptability of TDM (traffic demand management) in Europe. EU-PROJECT TRANSPRICE

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLE: HOW TO INCREASE ACCEPTABILITY? Objectives reflecting public concerns, positive aims Perceived traffic problems Perception of pricing policies as effective solutions Package approach – providing alternatives Trust in the proposed measures and in the use of the revenues Guarantee of equity Freedom of choice New cognitive image of the mobility situation EU-PROJECT TRANSPRICE

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION We Request: Integration of all transport modes Sufficient space for cars Save are attractive areas for pedestrians Strict adherence to threshold values of pollutants Priority for PT Less separation caused by traffic Traffic safety Promotion of cycling Safe ways to school (Drawing: DIETIKER, LOOSER; in: SELLE 1996) SNAP-SHOT OF A PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION PARTICIPATION IN THE PLANNING PROCESS - GOALS Inclusion of all stakeholders Planning as a joint process Identification of the stakeholders’ needs Information of the stakeholders about the planning process Creation of trust between decision makers, planners and stakeholders Gaining consensus by balancing of interests during the planning process Participation as a democratic principle to raise awareness and acceptance of decisions Mediation and conflict management Harmony between individual interests and social values (awareness raising helps to harmonise both)

POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION BASIC PRINCIPLES PROCESS OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND MESSAGE TRANSFER Receiving person Containing four elements: -objective contents of the message -subjective ”revelation” / input of the ”transmitter” -relationship between the ”transmitter” and the ”receiver” -appeal by the ”transmitter” to the ”receiver” Message is influenced by the manner of information and public relation Transmitting person BOKU-ITS