Stem fair project Can LEGO MINDSTORM robots detect and react to objects within a certain range?
What is the challenge and What are the constraints? The challenge was to build a robot that guarded something, possibly a room or an object. The constraints were to use parts from an NXT LEGO Mindstorm set to build a semi-intelligent robot.
Ideas for designs Some possible ideas were: 1. Build a robot that moved around, patrolling the area with an ultrasonic sensor that would allow the robot to see. If it saw an object within a certain distance, it would first give a warning, then attack with its robot teeth by snapping its jaws.
Ideas for designs 2. Build a robot that was stationary, and had an ultrasonic sensor, enabling the robot to see. It would flash a warning blue light out of the color lamp installed on it, then give a verbal warning, and if the object did not move, the robot would shoot plastic balls out of a chute and continue to do so until the object moved. When the object moved, the robot would say, “ Lost object”.
Sketches of ideas
Which idea should I choose? I decided to make Robot2 instead of Robot1, because I imagined a situation where, if I had chosen Robot1, the robot would be guarding a room. If the room happened to be in a hallway, Robot1 might patrol the area and then sense the wall, in which case it would attack the wall. I thought also shooting balls might be more useful than having a robot attack with biting, because then the robot would protect a larger area.
Needed materials These are the main parts I will use for my robot. These are the names of the parts, from top left going clockwise: Ultrasonic sensor, Color sensor/ color lamp, ball shooter with balls, and the NXT computer. I will also need many other small parts for this robot, including axels, connectors, and a few straight or elbow pieces, along with some wires to connect the NXT computer to the sensors and motors.
Needed materials I will also need 3 motors, two for the traction wheels, which are mostly decorative, and one for poking the balls out of the ball shooter.
Building the robot Here are some pictures of me building Robot2.
What changes to robot2 can I make? The changes I made to robot2 were: I made it so that the color lamp changed different colors then originally programmed. I attached the ball shooter in a more convenient spot. I made the ultrasonic sensor sense objects within 40cm instead of 30cm.
Did my robot complete the challenge? I think that Robot2 completed the challenge, because 1) It can detect objects, and when I tested it out it detected the object. 2) It reacted to the object, by shooting balls out of the ball shooter 3) There was a certain range in which the objects had to be in for them to be sensed.