Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Health Risks
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Alcohol Alcohol should only be consumed by adults. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation. Alcohol is a drug, and can be addictive. Alcohol should be respected.
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria The damage caused by alcohol Alcohol can make you do stupid, embarrasing, or dangerous things. Alcohol can lead to violence in the home. Alcohol can destroy your liver. Alcohol kills brain cells. Alcohol is a legal but harmful drug.
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Tobacco Tobacco is an addictive drug that is very bad for your health. Tobacco contains many chemicals and other dangerous ingredients. Tobacco causes the most preventable deaths in the world. Many people still think it is cool to smoke. Once you start to smoke it is very difficult to stop
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria The damage caused by tobacco Tobacco causes many diseases and side effects, such as: –Lung cancer –Mouth Cancer –Gangrene –Bronchitis –Yellow teeth –Bad breath
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Other Drugs There are drugs, often illegal, that you may be exposed to in your life. They include: –Marijuana –Party drugs –Heroin
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Marijuana Marijuana is a plant that is dried and smoked. Marijuana affects your brain, and changes the way it thinks and operates. Sometimes the effects of Marijuana can make people feel depressed, or paranoid. Marijuana is a drug you will probably see in your life…
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Why should I avoid Marijuana? Many people think that Marijuana is safe. But it is not! Marijuana can trigger mental illness in people with the predisposition. Marijuana can lead to other drugs. Marijuana hurts your lungs, just like tobacco. Like alcohol, and especially when mixed with it, marijuana changes your decision making capacity.
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Party Drugs There are many different types of drugs that can be put in this category. They include: –Ecstacy –Speed –Cocaine
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria The danger and damage caused by party drugs Some young people use illegal party drugs when they go out to party But party drugs can be very dangerous because they alter the way your brain thinks. You cannot predict how your brain will react Your body can go into cardiac arrest, you can get brain damage or die from party drugs. Because party drugs are not illegal, people make them illegaly. Who knows where…
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria
Say no! Saying no can be difficult sometimes But it is an important skill! Learn to say no to things you don´t want to do and you will feel a lot better
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Traffic Accidents Traffic accidents can be caused by many factors. For example, some traffic accidents happen because the driver loses concentration. Many traffic accidents occur when the driver is under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Often, pedestrians or bike riders are involved in traffic accidents.
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Car Accidents Many car accidents occur because a driver loses concentration. You should never: –Drive with a driver who has been drinking –Drive with a dangerous driver You should always: –Wear a seatbelt You should always WEAR A SEATBELL
Sección Bilingüe CEIP COLÓN Córdoba 6º de Primaria Bike and Pedestrian Accidents Bike and pedestrian accidents can be avoided by: –Only crossing at the pedestrian crossing –Always looking both ways before crossing the road –Always wearing a helmet when riding your bike.