Georgina Finn Senior Grants Officer Heritage Lottery Fund North West
Conserve the UK’s diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy; Help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and make decisions about their heritage; and Help people to learn about their own and other people’s heritage.
National Lottery – where the money goes
National Lottery Good Causes
Since 1994… 21 years old! Over £6.1 billion awarded 37,000 projects
HLF North West Priority Areas Pennine Lancashire (Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle & Rossendale) (From Apr 2013 – present awarded over £2m to nearly 40 projects) West Coast of Cumbria (specifically Borough of Barrow and wards around Whitehaven & Workington) Wards in Liverpool Wards in Manchester
What did HLF like about the initial ideas for URES? Ambitious but realistic for what was then a very small organisation Identification of need to broaden their work to engage communities, especially those who wouldn’t normally engage with a natural heritage project e.g. primary school children, BAME communities in Burnley etc. Identified need to bring in new staff to deliver the community engagement Good relationship with key partners, but also identifying other new partners to engage with
Highlights from HLF perspective – what did they get right? Listened to HLF advice right from the start & continued to work closely with us Development phase highly managed by Trust with support of a newly formed & effective steering group & new staff New officer appointed to develop community activities Creative thinking around reaching & engaging new audiences Excellent partnership working Well planned throughout Continuous evaluation throughout Great team in place with relevant expertise, enthusiasm & key skills required
HLF funding programmes… Open programmes Sharing Heritage – £3,000 to £10,000 Our Heritage - £10,000 to £100,000 Heritage Grants – £100,000 upwards Targeted programmes Landscape Partnerships - £100,000 to £3 million Parks for People - £100,000 to £5 million Young Roots - £10,000 to £50,000
Project Title: Moorgate Quarry Applicant: Oldham MBC Grant Awarded : £5,000 Programme: Sharing Heritage Site operated as quarry for 100 years ceasing operations in 1970s Site regenerated naturally & is home to some UK Bap species Installation of two interpretation panels & stone bench at viewing point Creation of 3 nature trails. Work around this included installing way markers, creation of steps & some scrub clearance. Trail leaflet produced Access & habitat improvements Much of the work was carried out by Groundwork & TCV volunteers
Aim to increase the Black Honey Bee in Borough of Burnley which is under threat of extinction due to interbreeding with foreign species & introductions of pathogens which genetically weaken colonies Rearing 400 queen bees, building 200 nucleas hives & planting 100 hectares of native bee forage plants in 6 Burnley parks Education programme incl. training volunteers in beekeeping, planting & hive building, information panels in parks & Bee Roadshows Success led to follow-up project ‘Bee’s Beyond the Borough’ Title: Bees in the Borough Applicant: Newground Together Programme: Our Heritage Grant Awarded: £49,900 (51% of total project costs)
Project Title: Chimneys to Trees Applicant: Lancashire Wildlife Trust Grant Awarded: £25,000 Programme: Young Roots Project at Seven Acres LNR in Bolton LWT worked with students from Withins High School’s Referral Unit to investigate the heritage of the site Site visits, mini excavations, map & photographic research, ‘Day in the Life’ of a Charcoal burner, bushcraft & woodcraft skills Pond maintenance sessions Created on-site interpretation boards, audio trail and an interactive website Radio interviews and a celebration event Young people working towards their John Muir awards
Project Title: Cherish Eden Applicant: Eden Rivers Trust Grant Awarded: £1,987,200 Programme: Heritage Grants River clean-ups, work to habitats, tree- planting, monitoring sites, habitat surveys etc. Establish & provide training for River Action Groups Work with farmers to improve habitats Establish circular walks & cycle rides which promote the heritage Learning materials, oral histories, book & exhibition Extensive training opportunities for volunteers & apprentices
Any questions?
Georgina Finn Senior Grants Officer