Franklin Pierce Electronic Timecard Training
Introduction Human Resources and Payroll have partnered to generate an on-line timesheet process. Each department will be brought on-line incrementally. Once your department has been trained, you will no longer use paper timecards for normal time submission. It is also important to note that the University will be working towards a paperless payroll process.
Beginning the Timecard Process Click on your timecard icon located on the HR Website or save this link to your favorites. WebHRMS/ Your user name is last name first initial and then your employee number (this is found on your paystub). Example: DoeJ1234 Your temporary password is the last 4 digits of your social security number. You will immediately be prompted to change your password. Do not share this password with anyone including your supervisor.
Security Your password MUST be held confidential. If you forget your password, you can contact HR to have the password reset. With your password, you will have access to your timecard anywhere, anytime and any place.
Now That You’ve Signed on On the left menu bar, click on timesheets To begin a new timesheet, click new timesheet. Then click on the most current pay period Note: once submitted, you will not be able to enter nor alter your timesheet. You do, however, want to save your entries before you exit the CORT system. Click on next and this will bring up your electronic time card. There are no default time sheets. You must enter your hours each day into this system.
What You Will See Below is a picture of exactly what you will see if you are a bi-weekly paid employee.
How do I Enter my Time? Click on the entry drop down box (blue arrow button on the right) for the appropriate day. Choose the entry code. Note: actual worked hours are called regular pay
Time Entry Code Definitions Bereavement – See Administrative Policy Disability – Only to be used with HR approval FMLA – Only to be used with HR approval Holiday – This is to be used for floating and normal holidays Inclement Weather – See Administrative Policy Jury Duty – Only to be used with approved paperwork Personal – See Administrative Policy Regular Pay – Actual work hours Sick – See Administrative Policy Summer Hours – See Administrative Policy Unpaid Leave – Only to be used with PRIOR HR approval Vacation – See Administrative Policy Administrative Policy Link:
Time Entry, Continued Click on the IN1 box and enter your arrival to work time Enter your time in as you did on a paper time card You need to enter am and pm after the time. It is important to include a colon when entering your time. Example: 8:03am Your meal break must be included in your daily entry. Again, you must have PRE- APPROVAL from your supervisor if you are not taking a meal break.
Time Entry, Continued Once you have entered your time for your work day, you will need to scroll down using the scroll bar on the inside right so that you can click on ‘Calculate Totals’
Time Entry - Calculated The last column titled REGHRS will show the number of hours worked in that day. Note if you do not put AM or PM this figure will not be correct. The column REGHRS and the entry code Regular Pay are not the same thing At the end of the pay period you will need to click the calculate total button to ensure that your work week is no less than 40 hours.
Time Entry, Continued If you need to use more than one time entry code, you will enter your time by clicking on the more button to add another entry line When you use any other time entry code other than REGU, do not enter actual hours in the IN1 or OUT1 boxes. You simply scroll to the right and enter the number of hours in the RegHrs box. Example: inclement weather (see below) Should you in error enter your hours for any time entry code, the system will automatically erase the hours listed. Click on MORE to add an entry line You must put the number of hours into this box for all codes but REGU
Time Entry, Continued Once your bi-weekly time sheet is completed, click on calculate totals to verify that you have a total of at least 80 hours in a given pay period. You can also add a comment for your supervisor. Please keep in mind that this is a legal document and will become part of your permanent file. Then scroll down further to click on the submit button.
Supervisor Approvals Now that you have submitted your time sheet to your supervisor, He/She will receive an requesting that they review and approve. Should your supervisor have questions or feel that your submissions are not correct, He/She can return the time sheet back to you. You will get a notice in your stating that you must correct your time sheet. Employees must maintain their accounts so that they are available to receive communication from the payroll system. Failure to maintain your University account may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination. When you click on the link in the , it will automatically take you to your timesheet. Should you sign in to see if your timesheet was approved or not, you will need to click on timesheet, review a time sheet. You will see this screen showing what actions have been taken.
Printing Your Timesheet To print a copy of your timesheet, simply click on the timesheet you wish to print and then click on the print timesheet button located at the bottom of the screen. Note- your timesheets will be archived and available for you at any time electronically
Compensation Information Once you have migrated to the on-line timesheets you will no longer receive paper direct deposit notices. You can view and print your compensation information by going to Pay History, then select Pay Stub. You can also view and print a copy of your W2 and
Compensation Information You have total access to your payroll history. Simply click on the year for the pay period you are looking for. Then click on the pay date for the detail.
Pay Advice