General Surgery M&M meeting 07/11/ /10/1428 Sultan Al Sheikh
DOA 13/04/28 (30/4/2007) y, SA, M known to have BA C/O Diarrhea 1/12 12/day Black, watery, fresh blood Ass Anorexia, Wt loss 15 kg in 2/52
Sought Medical advice in a private clinic CT Abdomen report Mass at hepatic flexure Liver metastasis
O/E V/S stable Chest Ex good AE no added sounds CVS Ex S1 +S2 + 0 no LL edema ABD Ex soft lax abdomen +ve BS LABS CBC U&E LFT Coagulation N CEA 18.76
14/04/28 (1/5/2007) Colonoscopy Severe Ulcerations suggestive for UC Poor Bowel prep Repeat colonoscopy
15/04/28 (2/5/2007) CT reviewed Thickened wall of colon at hepatic flexure Inflamed mesentery Focal Liver lesion most likely a focal fatty liver MRI recommended Done 2 days later and confirmed the Liver’s fatty focal lesion
19/04/28 (6/5/2007) Colonoscopy repeated Severe colitis Sever deep ulcerations Severe pseudo polyps necrosis & reddish pus-like fluid CD
Biopsy Active chronic colitis With extensive ulcerations No granuloma Vasculitis and thrombi of small vessels No dysplasia or malignant cells
20/04/28 (7/5/2007) CVL inserted TPN started PPD done Negative IV Methyl prednisolone Cipro & flagyl Daily AXR
21/04/28 (8/5/2007) 9 BMs blood AXR dilated left colon
22/04/28 (9/5/2007) 8 BMs T 37C BP 140/80 mmHg HR 85/min RR 20/min spO2 95% on RA
23/04/28 (10/5/2007) 5 BMs Imuran started 50mg OD PPD –ve
27/04/28 (14/5/2007) No blood in BMs for 3 days Defecation is less Infleximab was planned for next week Na 131 K 5.9 Creat 65 Urea 3.8 TPN adjusted
5/05/28 (21/5/2007) CT done after slow bowel prep Diffused wall Thickening of colon Focal irregular circumferential thickening at hapatic flexure Small amount of free air No free fluids or collection No leak or inflammatory changes Suggestive of sealed perforated viscus
7/05/28 (23/5/2007) CT scan repeated No progression in the disease air under diaphragm Colonic dilatation still the same Diffused wall thickening less than before 2 BMs without blood Clear liquid diet started the next day Ampicllin was started
15/05/28 (1/6/2007) Diarrhea twice Fresh blood 50 cc last BM Suffering Pain and distention Tachycardia Tachypnea Toxic Mega colon
15/05/28 (1/6/2007) Family and the patient were spoken to Surgery was considered Complications explained Death quoted at 5% DVT PE MI Stroke Infections Pneumonia UTI Wound Pt consented for surgery the next day
16/05/28 (2/6/2007) Laprotomy Sub total colectomy + Ileostomy Colon distended with adhesions Colon was perforated during surgery 3 PRBCs given
16/05/28 (2/6/2007) D1 post op in ICU Extubated Awake talking oreinted Sips of water In 1621 Out 830 Na 136 K 4.7 Creat 54 Urea 3.6 WBC8.4Hb 112Plt 182 PT22.2 INR2.00 APTT 49
CXR 16/05/28 (2/6/2007)
17/05/28 (3/6/2007) D2 post op 4PM Pt transferred to the floor 6PM started having SOB sweating LOC and became disoriente HR BP 120/66 RR 23 spO2 99% on NC 5l O2
17/05/28 (3/6/2007) Chest Ex AE Bilateral crackles and Wheezes CVS Ex NAD Abd Ex Soft lax Ileostomy bag 2 drains Rectal drain
17/05/28 (3/6/2007) 8PM Transferred to HDU RBS cc D50 RBS 7 CXR L consulidations Bilat infeltration ECG Sinus tachy Impression BA Volume overload hypoglycemia
CXR 17/05/28 (3/6/2007)
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) D3 post op 3AM Confused A fib MOC Tachycardia observation
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) 7:30AM Pt confused V/S HR BP 100/60 T 38.0 RR 25 WBC 15.2 Hb 114 plt 102 PT 24.7INR 2.3APTT 41.7
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) CT brain and neurology cons ID consultation ECG and Cardiology Consultation Blood C/S Pseudomonas 3 days later
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) CT No ischemia No bleeding Brain atrophy Normal to age Neurology Disoriented to TP Ischemic encephalopathy EEG slow activity
CT Brain
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) Cardiology No A fib Sinus tachy d/t ventolin No signs of heart failure Lasix and space ventolin ID Tazocin cont Flagyl DC cipro
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) 3PM Transferred to SICU HR BP 100/65 80s CVP 8 T 38.7 RR 25 NE and suction started Cardiology asked to taper NE CXR pneumonia Vs overload
CXR 18/05/28 (4/6/2007)
18/05/28 (4/6/2007) 11:30 PM Drowsy Responding to painful stimuli only HR 65 BP 70/50 Intubated Later A Fib Electro Cardioversion
19/05/28 (5/6/2007) D4 post op NE 20 mcg Tazocin Flagyl hydrocortisone albumin Amiodarone started Sedated intubated Drains: R Nil L 10 cc Rectal Nil In 2700 out 1150
19/05/28 (5/6/2007) BP 110/63 HR 125 RR18 PEEP 7 CVP 5 T 36.8 post paracetamol Chest: AE bilat crips and wheezes WBC 15.3 Hb 10.1 Plt 160 ECHO was Normal
19/05/28 (5/6/2007) 4PM pH 7.17 pCO pO2 107 O2 sat 98% HCO 21.7 FiO2.80 PEEP 15 RR 24
19/05/28 (5/6/2007) 8:50 PM Na 138 K 4.8 Creat 198 Urea 11.9 Dopamin 15mcg
CXR 19/05/28 (5/6/2007)
20/05/28 (6/6/2007) D5 post op Nephrology ARF Septic shock Dialysis Input 6244 UOP 298 ID CS G-ve bacilli sensitive to Tazo Mero Imip DC Tazo start Meropenim
20/05/28 (6/6/2007) A fib Cardioversion HR 135/min BP 105/60 NE 20 mcg Dopamine 15 mcg
CXR 20/05/28 (6/6/2007)
21/05/28 (7/6/2007) D6 post op BP 100/45 T 35.2 RR 30/min HR 130 spO2 94% Epinephrine added
21/05/28 (7/6/2007) WBC 8.9 Hb 7.8 plt 38 Na 133 K 3.6 Creat 152 Urea 10.3 pH 7.23 pO2 72 pCO 54 HCO 20 IV IGg considered ID agreed but pharmacy refused
22/05/28 (8/6/2007) D7 post op IGg started Epi NE Dopa and Fenylephrine at max Dialysis ultra filtration prisma
22/05/28 (8/6/2007) BP 52/41 HR 125 T 37.1 CVP 21 RR 34 PEEP 20 pH pO 64 pCO 56 HCO 15.8 After bicarb boluses PT 24.3 INR 2.25 APTT 45
23/05/28 (9/6/2007) D8 post op 2AM Coded Resuscitation 25 mins Direct Cause of Death Cardiac arrest Final Diagnosis Septic shock, ARDS, ARF, Coagulopathy