Govtrip 2.0 How to Create a Voucher
Click on the tab that reads Voucher note: many travelers inadvertenlty create an amendment. It’s very important to make sure a voucher is created. Click on Create a Voucher (blue box at the top left)
Click Create next to the document for which you are submitting a voucher (blue box at right)`
How To Enter Expenses: Select Expenses on the top menu bar
Select Non-Mileage Enter expenses such as; taxis, internet, phone calls, excess baggage, atm fees etc. Everything except airfare, mileage, lodging and M&IE
Remove the Special Comment Required expense That expense is entered as an estimate on how much will be needed for miscellaneous expenses. A box will pop up that reads, Delete this expense? Click OK
Use the drop down menu next to Expense Type to select the first expense. The expenses are in alphabetical order.
Type a description in the Expense Description box Enter an amount next to Cost Make sure the correct date appears Method of Reimbursement should read traveler – if it does not use the drop down arrow to select traveler Select Save Expenses and then continue adding expenses until this section is complete.
Select Per Diem on the top menu bar to review the lodging and M&IE
A summary of your lodging and M&IE will appear A summary of your lodging and M&IE will appear. The M&IE is correct so no changes are necessary for that section. All travelers receive ¾ M&IE on the first day and last day for their travel days.
Select Edit on the first TDY location to change the lodging since it will normally be less than the hotel bill.
Change the lodging in Govtrip to match the amount on your hotel bill next to the section that reads Lodging. Enter the new amount; above Per Diem Rates change the date to show the last night you were in that TDY location next to Values Apply Through. Ex. The first night in the hotel was 5/30/10 and the last night was 6/4/10 so the date that should appear next to the Values Apply Through box will be 6/4/10 to represent each day on the TDY.
Scroll to the bottom and select Save These Entitlements
The new lodging amount appears on the Per Diem Entitlements page shown below
Receipts There are two ways to send in receipts; fax them into BPD by clicking on Print Fax Cover Sheet. Use the cover sheet as the first page and send the receipts to the number printed on the first page or scan and upload them into Govtrip by using the Browse and Upload button. Do not do both. Many travelers both scan and fax receipts which is not necessary and creates excess work for the traveler.
Airline Tickets OTA pays for most airline tickets Airline Tickets OTA pays for most airline tickets. When the TA is created it is estimated how much will be needed for the airline ticket. To enter the total ticket cost click Reservations from the top menu bar and Other Transportation
In the Trip Summary box Click on Edit next to Airfare (GOVCC-C) and the information will appear on the left side of the screen.
Next to Ticket Value enter the amount of the ticket as it appears on the e-ticket sent to you. Ex. 1400.00 is the estimate entered in the TA and the actual cost is 1356.00 type in 1356.00 next to Ticket Value.
Ticket Number Enter the ticket Number from your e-ticket that was e-mailed to you next to the Ticket No. field. The ticket number on the e-ticket usually starts with a 016 number. Click on Save at the bottom of the screen
Select Review/Sign on the top menu bar and click Preview A trip summary will appear.
Save and Continue A new screen will appear that will read Save and Continue. Click on Save and Continue. A new screen will appear that reads Accept – click on Accept. Once you do this you will see a list of your vouchers. The most recent will appear at the top and will be in the signed status. Click on Print; once your voucher is printed…sign and date and then either fax or scan your receipts. If you cannot do either one of these things e-mail to Peggy O’Neal
Next Section Once you have reviewed your voucher and everything looks ok click on Next Section at the top of the screen which will bring you to the pre-audit page. Make sure all of the boxes that read Justification to Approving Official have an explanation next to them. Most of the boxes will read ok. If there is a blank box type in ok. If you are uncertain call or e-mail Suzy Bowen
Select Next Section to go to the digital signature page
Next to Additional Remarks, please type any comments you have for our auditor Peggy O’Neal. If there are no comments click on Submit Complete Document.
Save and Continue Click on Save and Continue; click on accept Save and Continue Click on Save and Continue; click on accept. A list of vouchers will appear. The most recent voucher will appear at the top of the screen in the signed status. Click on print; once the voucher is printed; sign and date and then either fax or scan along with your receipts. Please send to Peggy O’Neal at