KAYLA FINCHER Video Games make People violent and aggressive.
My opinion. My opinion is that violent video games do make children more aggressive than they normally are
Statistics Only 10 percent of all video game perpetrators possessed “good” or “prosocial” qualities Boys who play Teen or Mature-rated games for a minimum of 40 minutes a day may witness over 180 incidents of aggression per day, or 5,400 incidents per month Increasing reports of bullying can be partially attributed to the popularity of violent video games. The 2008 study Grand Theft Childhood reported that 60% of middle school boys who played at least one Mature-rated game hit or beat up someone, compared to 39% of boys that did not play Mature-rated games.
Anecdote 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say. Among the emerging details about Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was the fact that the former Navy reservist was obsessed with military-style video games, according to one of his friends, Michael Ritrovato.
Facts Video games often reward players for simulating violence, and thus enhance the learning of violent behaviors. Studies suggest that when violence is rewarded in video games, players exhibit increased aggressive behavior compared to players of video games where violence is punished Violent video games teach youth that violence is an acceptable conflict-solving strategy and an appropriate way to achieve one's goal
Facts Continued In a 2005 study, violent video game exposure has been linked to reduced P300 amplitudes in the brain, which is associated with desensitization to violence and increases in aggressive behavior A 2000 FBI report includes playing violent video games in a list of behaviors associated with school shootings.
Facts Continued Violent video games cause players to associate pleasure and happiness with the ability to cause pain in others Mass killers often share obsession with violent video games Young children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making, they may mimic the actions they see in violent video games.
Experts opinion Violent video games may not be proven to cause violent behavior, but they can be proven to be linked to aggression. And repetitive playing of violent games can also be proven to increase aggressive behavior by large amounts each time the game is played. -Brad Bushman, a well-known expert in aggression and media violence who is a professor and researcher at Ohio State University.
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List of Killers associated with Violent Video Games Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold Anders Breivik Jared Lee Loughner Adam Lanza Nehemiah Griego Jacob Tyler Roberts James Eagan Holmes Michael Carneal
References/ Work Cited Burnett, Dean. "Claims That 'video Games Lead to Violence' Lead to Violence." Theguardian.com. Guardian News and Media, 20 Sept Web. 02 Feb "Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence." Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb Con, Pro. "Video Games ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. AMAG, Inc., 30 Jan Web. 01 Feb Grabmeir, Jeff. "Does Video Game Violence Harm Teens? New Study Weighs The Evidence." Does Video Game Violence Harm Teens? New Study Weighs The Evidence. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb Suciu, Peter. "Violent Video Games Do Not Lead To Violent Lifestyle." Teenagers And Violence Not Linked To Video Games. RedOrbit, 26 Aug Web. 03 Feb