THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Mr. Vazquez Period 1- Family Life
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Endocrine Glands- ductless or tubeless organs or groups of cells that secrete hormones directly into the blood stream Hormones-Chemical Messengers that help regulate many bodily functions Key & Lock Mechanism Some trigger functions, Some trigger glands Hormone levels are controlled by many factors
PITUITARY GLAND Pituitary Gland aka Master Gland Three sections Anterior, Intermediate, Posterior Anterior-Growth Hormones, Thyroid Gland, Adrenal Gland, Sexual Glands Intermediate- Melanocyte (Skin Pigment) Posterior- ADH (Water Regulation)
ADRENAL GLANDS Stress Relief & Emergency Response Two Parts: Adrenal Cortex & Adrenal Medulla Cortex- Hormones that control sodium levels, metabolism of 3 basic nutrients, and blood pressure Medulla- Epinephrine aka. Adrenaline Epinephrine- Increases breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and suppresses digestion
OTHER GLANDS Hypothalamus- Activates the Pituitary Gland Pineal- Releases Melatonin (Sleep & Puberty) Thyroid- Regulates metabolism, body heat, and bone growth Pancreas-Glucagon and Insulin Testes & Ovaries- Sexual Development both primary and secondary
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM HEALTH Sleep Balanced Meals Stress Levels Genetic Increase in hormones=Health Problems
MALE REPRODUCTION Two functions- Produce and Store Sperm Sperm- The male gametes, or reproductive cells Must be transferred to females body for reproduction Puberty Testosterone Production stimulated by the pituitary gland Can produce sperm for lifetime
EXTERNAL REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS Testes (Testicles)-two small glands that produce sperm & testosterone Scrotum-an external skin sac Penis-the tube shaped organ that extends from the trunk of the body just above the testes ^Made of spongy tissue and many blood vessels=Erections Semen-a thick fluid containing sperm and other secretions Ejaculation-muscular contractions that force out sperm/semen at the height of sexual arousal
REPRODUCTION CONTINUED Fertilization- the joining of male and female egg cell Foreskin-At birth the tip of the penis is covered by a thin, loose skin Circumcision- The removal of the foreskin Sperm cannot live in hot temperatures, acidic areas Scrotum=temperature regulator, movement of the testicles Tight clothing=less living sperm
MAINTAINING A HEALTHY SYSTEM Wash Wear protective equipment Practice abstinence Perform Regular Self-Examinations Get Regular Check-Ups
MALE REPRODUCTIVE PROBLEMS STD’s Inguinal Hernia-intestines push through a tear in the abdominal wall Sterility-inability to reproduce, few sperm or sperm quality. Exposure to x-rays, radiation, toxic chemicals, hormonal imbalances, STD’s, drugs Testicular Cancer Prostate Problems/Prostate Cancer
THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Two functions-Producing sex hormones & eggs Eggs/Ova-Female gametes Ovaries-The female sex glands that store the ova and produce female sex hormone Uterus-hollow, muscular, pear shaped organ that protects and nourishes a fertilized egg until birth 400,000 Ova Ovulation- The process of releasing a mature ovum into the fallopian tube each month
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS Fallopian Tubes- a pair of tubes with fingerlike projections that draw in the ovum Vagina-A muscular, elastic passageway that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body Zygote- a fertilized egg
MENSTRUATION Female Maturity, Uterus thickens Endometrium breaks down Menstruation-the shedding of the uterine lining Cervix-The opening from the uterus to the vagina years of age Hormones control Menopause 45-55
MAINTAINING REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Bathe Regularly Medical Exams-(Pap Smear) Practice Abstinence Breast Self-Exam
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM PROBLEMS Menstrual Cramps Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
FEMALE REP. PROBLEMS CONTINUED Endometriosis- Uterine tissues grow elsewhere STD’s Vaginitis Ovarian Cysts Cervical, Uterine, and Ovarian Cancers