Estereotipos Srta. Andrea Pasillas
What are stereotypes? Definition As defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, a stereotype is “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing”
Essentially, they are labels or stigmas that are over-generalized about a group of people. Can you think of any labels that you use throughout your daily life? What are stereotypes?
Do you think that these pictures accurately represent the United States?
What are some negative adjectives/labels that are given to Americans? American Identity What are some negative adjectives/labels that are given to Americans?
What are some positive adjectives/labels about Americans? American Identity What are some positive adjectives/labels about Americans?
Do you think stereotypes play a role in how we identify ourselves Do you think stereotypes play a role in how we identify ourselves? Why or why not? What makes you American? Final Questions